Sunday, January 29, 2017

How to Get Your Money - Whiplash Settlement

Whiplash is one of the most common reasons people receive structured settlements. Every day, car accidents occur all over the country and whiplash is a common result. The number of people injured in this manner is not expected to go away anytime soon, so it is important to know how to get the money you deserve if it should happen to you.

Whiplash can range from a minor case, where it is difficult to move your neck or movement is accompanied by some pain; all the way up to very serious cases, where you can not sit up or get out of bed. More serious cases often result in physical-therapy sessions for months or even years into the future, and sometimes there may even be permanent damage in the neck or back.

If you do find yourself in this situation, make sure you know your rights when it comes to money. A whiplash settlement can be a drawn-out process, but be prepared for the insurance company to pressure you to settle up quickly. It is in their best interest if you sign their agreement as soon as possible, though it will usually not be the best thing in your own interest.

You do not have to sign the settlement agreement right away, especially if you are not in the state of mind to fully understand every term in the contract. It is important that you not let the pressure get to you. Deal with your immediate health needs and find a lawyer who can look over all of the paperwork and take over communications with the insurance company or anyone else involved.

A lawyer is a good investment if you stand to receive a large settlement because they will know how to go about getting you the money you deserve. Whiplash-settlement processes often end with an agreement outside of court. You will likely have to accept a structured payment plan instead of one lump sum, as most cases are handled in this manner anymore.

The good news is, you will have a steady source of extra income for a determined period of time in the future, but the bad news is you may very well need that money now rather than later to cover medical bills and attorney fees. Unfortunately, even if you hold out and go through the court process it is likely a judge will grant a structured payment plan anyway.

The best thing you can do to get your money is to accept the best settlement plan your lawyer can negotiate for you and then cash-in part, or all of it, to receive most of the money in one large payment. This is often the only option available to whiplash victims who need to receive the money right away to take care of financial situations caused by the accident.

Settlement packages that take years to pay out may not seem very fair when you are suffering from whiplash and are facing a mountain of bills, but it is the current trend in most countries and leaves victims with little opportunity other than cashing it in after the payments start to roll in.

Source by Mark T. Sullivan

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