Thursday, April 20, 2017

Can I Use Hypnosis For Weight Loss?


You have probably heard much about how thousands of people swear that using hypnosis for weight loss was the key to their success in overcoming their challenge. Hypnosis has also been cited, of course, as being responsible for the cure of many ailments and issues such as smoking or drug dependency. But is it for you? What is it all about? How does it work?

Essentially, hypnosis is a procedure where a trained practitioner suggests that their patient experience changes in sensations, perceptions, thoughts or behaviors. Applying this to the thoughts and control processes of relationships with food and eating it is believed this can be used to aid weight loss.

Establishing an "induction procedure" is usually the first step. Most used uses are suggestions to help relax, create calm and a sense of comfort. Often, the patient is asked to imagine themselves in a place where they are content and sometimes have happy memories from the past.

Some people become induced more effectively than others, and the time taken varies from patient to patient. The consensus however, is that it places them in a relaxed and peaceful state of mind.

Once the patient has been induced, the hypnotist will then attempt to essentially "reprogram" the part of the brain controlling an individual's subconscious, in order to reverse the behavior at the root of the weight problem. There are numerous methods used to this end. Some professionals do this by linking some sort of negativity in the subconscious to the bad habit or experience found to be controlling. For example, the hypnotist could suggest that you really do not like fast food, or that chocolate will make you feel nauseous. Successfully performed, this association will generate this negative feeling, or sensation, every time your attention turns to a burger, or that candy bar. Alternately, the hypnotist may plant a positive link, suggesting that healthy options are tastier.

As with any treatment, people respond to hypnosis in different ways. Some people are more responsive to the hypnosis procedure than others, although unlike murals in movies or television, depictions of behavior loss and lack of control of self are incorrect. Patients typically remain completely aware of where they are and in most cases have full recollection of the session.

If considering using hypnosis for weight loss, it would be worth visiting you physician to talk through all options available in the first instance. They may also be able to help with certified hypnotists in your area to ensure the best possible care and ongoing treatment.


Source by Peter Hill

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