Thursday, April 20, 2017

Pros and Cons of Being a Game Designer


There are a lot of people who have an interest in becoming a game designer but are unsure whether or not to make it a career. The main purpose of this article is to provide information which will help you make this choice. Many different variables should be taken into account and below is a list with some of the pros and cons of being a game designer.


Designing games is fun. Creating them as a whole is very enjoyable as is working on all the different game mechanics and coming up with new and interesting concepts. Many times as a player, you might think how something in that game could be changed for the better. When it's your job, you not only get to think of these ideas but also put them into practice.

You also get rewarded for creativity and innovation. Creating games in itself can feel very rewarding and when there's a positive reaction to your game, it is even better. Contrary to many professions where things are predetermined, game designers are constantly seeking things that are new and improving things that already exist.

Though the salary may not be as high as other professions, there are a lot of professionals in this industry who do earn pretty well even though the game design market has not existed as long as other industries. Several industry-related sources indicate that the salaries for this profession range from $50,000 to $80,000 annually and averaging $57,500. Some companies also give bonuses and shares of the profits.

There is a variety of niche markets which are opening up. For example, you might choose to design games for PC, console, mobile or web. Then again, your choice might be based on the game genre you like best, such as: FPS, RTS, MMORPG, puzzle, sport, etc. With this variety, it is possible for game designers to choose the area which they like the most and learn to create games in those areas.


Long hours. Not only does practicing your skills for creating games take a long while, working in designing the games also takes up a lot of time. The game designing business is also well known for employees having to work exhaustively during crunch periods, which can often span several months.

You may have to work on games that your not very interested in. Due to the incredible growth of this industry, and the immense number of games being created, the probability of this happening isn't very high. Even if this does happen, it can be turned into something positive if it later results in some sort of promotion, an increase in pay or equips you with new skills.

With the growth of the game design industry, the competition is also increasing. While there are new jobs opening constantly, the competition is becoming more fierce. Of course, this just means you need to be well prepared.

As with any profession, there are both pros and cons to being a game designer. Anyone that has a passion for games, has a keen sense of problem solving and a good dose of creativity, will find a job in game design a fun and rewarding option in a fast growing industry that has a promising future.


Source by Lucas Manor

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