Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Final Events Of Bible Prophecy - Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)


Doug Batchelor (born March 9, 1957) is an evangelist of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and author of several books including "The Richest Caveman".


Yoga - Weight Loss Made Easy With Yoga Stretches


Are you tired of weight loss programs which just do not work? It's time for a change: try something different. Yoga can help you to lose weight because it helps you to change your lifestyle. Forget about dieting, just do some simple yoga stretches every day.

1. Find a Beginner's Yoga Class

You do not have to be an expert yogi to lose weight with yoga. You can be a complete beginner. What matters is that yoga will change you, and the weight will vanish over time. It's not a process you can force, you simply allow it to happen.

Start the process by finding a beginners yoga class in your area, and make a commitment to go to class at least once a week.

2. Spend Ten Minutes Morning and Evening on Your Favorite Poses

In yoga there around 10 primary poses with endless variations. Pick your favorite two poses, and do them morning and evening. This should take you around 10 minutes.

For example, let's say you picked downward dog and the cobra as the poses you'll practice outside class this week. Start your 10 minute session in mountain pose, paying particular attention to your alignment, and relaxing as you stand in the pose. Then do cobra pose. Perform the pose four times. Completely relax between each pose.

Complete your session by performing downward dog pose, increasing the length of time you spend in the pose gradually, until you're spending around 90 seconds in the pose.

3. Allow Yourself to Lose Weight: Forget Dieting

You gained weight gradually. You did not have to think about gaining weight, it just happened, because of the habits you created. Changing habits is very difficult, especially if you try to impose change from the outside. Yoga helps you to change from the inside.

Within a few days of starting your yoga exercises, you'll find that you no longer crave fast food. However, buying fast food is a habit. You may still find yourself buying fast food even though your craving for it is gone. Do not try to force yourself to stop. One day you would just drive right past your favorite fast food eatery. You will not have to think about it.

Is it really that simple? Can you really lose weight with just a few yoga stretches each day? Yes, you can. The key is to enjoy your yoga, and to forget about dieting. Weight loss will happen, and more quickly than you can imagine.


Source by Julia Denham

Let's Talk Friday the 13th: The Game | Killing as THE HAG! | Dead by Daylight


Dead by Daylight is a 4vs1 asymmetrical horror game where 4 Survivor players must survive from 1 killer player and escape. Otherwise they are sacrificed to the entity on hooks stationed around the map. TODAY. I KILL.

Want to know what projects I do voice overs and sound design work for? Here are some of my credits! |

**Laphin's Voice Acting Tips!!** |

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CHAT RULES: (You break them, you get banned, no questions)

You get noticed through normal conversation. If you ask me to notice you, you earn a timeout, then a ban.
The reason for these rules are to keep a nice cleaned up chat room where people can ACTUALLY talk.

2. No negativity, everyone knows life is sad, but please don't spill your life's problems in here. STAY POSITIVE IN THE CHAT!
3. No insulting other chatters, no sexuality talk, religion, or politics here.
5. Please speak English so everyone can understand.
6. The chat is for conversation, no mindless typing. If you fill the chat with non-sense, I will ban you.
7. Do not promote your channel here

It's okay for folks to get carried away in the chat and be goofy or excited within proper context.

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एका वेगळ्या व अफलातुन भुमिकेत मोहन जोशी as सातपुते साहेब in ‘नागपूर अधिवेशन...एक...

एका वेगळ्या व अफलातुन भुमिकेत मोहन जोशी as सातपुते साहेब in
‘नागपूर अधिवेशन...एक सहल’
९ डिसेंबर २०१६ पासून आपल्या जवळच्या चित्रपटगृहात..



Half-Up Fishtail Updo: This half up fishtail braid is effortlessly flawless....


Half-Up Fishtail Updo: This half up fishtail braid is effortlessly flawless.


Source by Cosmopolitan

Nuascannán Filmmaking Guide, Echo #4340


Irish filmmaker Graham Jones shoots indie movies using the Nuascannán philosophy -

“A very talented director”

“Graham Jones has repeatedly proven himself one of Ireland's most intriguing directors. His work is challenging and unapologetically provocative; words that also apply to his latest heroine in this exploration of women, patriarchy and power..."

"A neat, tense, low-budget black and white heist movie that delivers an unexpected moral punch..."

"Jones brilliantly exploited people's mannerisms and expressions to construct his story - but his real target are patronising Western journalists, whose reporting is often no different..."

"A low key gem..."

"Scary tale by a talented director..."

"A very important film..."

"A slow, meandering and beautifully shot piece of art about a little boy’s innocent fascination with the world around him... "



priyanka chopra to present golden glob awards 15299186


प्रियंका चोपड़ा अब निकोल किडमैन और मेट डेमोन के साथ करेंगी ये काम !

प्रियंका अभी कुछ ही दिन पहले भारत लौटी हैं और इस समय नया साल मनाने के लिए परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ गोवा में हैं। बताया जा रहा है कि जल्द ही वो बॉलीवुड फिल्म साइन करेंगी।

मुंबई। प्रियंका चोपड़ा दिनों दिन नई ऊचाइयां छूती जा रही हैं और इसी सिलसिले को आगे बढ़ाते हुए प्रियंका को 2017 के प्रतिष्ठित गोल्डन ग्लोब अवॉर्ड्स प्रेजेंट करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया है।

अगले साल आठ जनवरी को लॉस एंजेलिस के ब्रेवर्ली हिल्टन में होने वाले इस अवॉर्ड सेरेमनी में प्रियंका चोपड़ा ड्रेव बेरीमोर , सोफिया वर्गेरा , निकोल किडमैन और मेट डिमोन जैसी हॉलीवुड की बड़ी हस्तियों के साथ अवॉर्ड्स प्रेजेंट करेंगी। वो पहली बार इस अवॉर्ड समारोह में शिरकत कर रही हैं। अमरीकी टीवी शो 'क्वांटिको ' और हॉलीवुड फिल्म बेवॉच में काम करने के बाद इंटरनेशनल लेवल पर प्रियंका का ग्राफ काफी ऊपर चढ़ा है। प्रियंका इस साल पीपुल्स च्वॉयस अवॉर्ड्स में मौजूद थी और ऑस्कर में भी पहुंची और उसके बाद एमी अवॉर्ड्स में भी नज़र आईं।

शाहरुख़ के साथ काम करने को लेकर प्रियंका ने बताया ये सच

प्रियंका अभी कुछ ही दिन पहले भारत लौटी हैं और इस समय नया साल मनाने के लिए परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ गोवा में हैं। बताया जा रहा है कि जल्द ही वो बॉलीवुड फिल्म साइन करेंगी।


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11 Bollywood Actresses Who Smoke in Real Life


SUBSCRIBE to TOP-LIST-BOLLYWOOD------ *New Videos Every Week! *Please Like,Comment, Share. *In This Video 11 Bollywood ...


The 10 Hottest Actress In Hollywood | Sexiest Actresses


Make a list of top 10 out of so many beautiful actresses is a tough job. There are many hot beauties in Hollywood; it is the home of some of the world's most ...


Techniques For How to Make Subliminal Messages


Subliminal messages can often be utilized in movies, television and print media. These messages while seen by the eye are not recognized by the conscious portion of the brain. Some techniques for how to make subliminal messages are included to provide knowledge for the viewer.

The human brain does not respond consciously to motion that is faster than 1/30th of a second. The conscious part of the brain simply interprets faster movement as a flicker. There have been studies that show that 3 or 4 frames, which contain advertising, when inserted into a movie provoke a response by the subconscious part of the brain. This subconscious response induces a desire for the advertising that the few frames contained.

The use of subliminal advertising has in many circles been considered as an unethical practice. Studies have been conducted and no definitive answer has ever been obtained as to whether subliminal advertising really works.

Another method of subliminal advertising is the introduction of a well known product into the scene of a move or in print advertising. When this object is inserted into the scene, the object itself is not seen simply due to the fact that it is part of the background and not the object of the action or story. While the conscious part of the brain sees the action or actors, the subconscious sees the background object and responds to it. Examples of this can be a Coca Cola can or a Ford automobile in the background of the scene. The conscious sees the actors, dialogue and action. The subconscious also takes in the Coke can or the Ford automobile.

Whether or not subliminal advertising is an ethical practice or not is debatable. Proponents and detractors of subliminal advertising both exist and the debate about subliminal advertising continues. The techniques for how to make subliminal messages are available to any film or videotape editor or any stage manager in the industry.


Source by Trevor Johnson

Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loans With Fair to Bad Credit Rating


Even folks with fair or even bad credit ratings can find loans to help them manage their debt. This way, instead of paying many interest rates and having to deal with bill collectors, a person can instead just deal with one. A debt consolidation loan is used to pay off bills so that you have fewer bills to manage each month. The following are some tips for how to find the best loan for you and your credit rating.

The first thing to do is to not only know how much debt you have but also what your interest rates are like. This way, once you start looking for a loan, you will know which interest rates will help you hack away at debt. Additionally, you should research your credit score. The more you know about the kind of loan you need and the chances you have of finding a good one, the better off you will be when it comes time to choose between the loans you have found.

Next, you should do your research into debt consolidation-focused companies. Look into local banks and look online to see which institutions not only approve you for a loan but which offer you the best terms. You should always keep an eye on the monthly payments. If you can't make those, then you should probably go with a different loan. The point of consolidation is to get out of debt, not to make the situation that much worse. If you are smart about the company you work with and the loan you choose, you could eventually end up with no debt and can even rebuild your credit by paying your repayments on time.

By the way, by researching and comparing the best debt consolidation companies in the market, you will be able to determine the one that meet your specific financial situation, plus the cheaper interest rates offered. Nonetheless, it is advisable going with a trusted and reputable debt counselor before making any decision, this way you will save time through specialized advise coming from a seasoned debt advisor and money by getting better results in a shorter span of time.


Source by Hector Milla

Day Trading - 99% Fail - Find Out Why


I have been day trading now for 10 years. I blew up 2 accounts - one $30,000 and another $37,000. I was in the 99% group that never make it day trading. Thing is I am relatively smart, college education man with a 140 IQ, and yet I still blew up two accounts.

I wrote this article for any one interested in day trading to help make a decision. They will either learn to be part of the 1% winners that will be able to day-trade (from anywhere in the world) or be one of the 99% that will fail and blow up their accounts. So if your serious about trying to day trade read on.

Now truth be told I went into day trading for a few years with no education. I soon realized after blowing a few thousand on penny stocks that there really was no riches to be found there.

Then off to the internet to get the wisdom of the collective. That is a dead end and their information is defective. In fact Day trading is a Trillion dollar a year business, do you think anybody on the internet is going to give you day trading advise that is correct? Almost every thing on the internet that you read about day trading, or trading stocks at all is false, and designed to help remove your money from your wallet.

How about books? Yes there it is! I will read some books and be able to trade stock like Jim Cramer... (BTW read all of his stock trading books) thing is Jim Cramer is a television entertaining clown and would probably not be on television if he is really was what he says he is, Harvard education and all.

Really put this to the test, watch his show, then watch what happens to the stocks he mentions. Not even right on 50%. All he will help you do is lose money faster then your popsicle melting on a 95 degree day.

I even took some private classes and paid a handsome fee to be told how to trade. One that comes to mind is Wall Street Basics run by Gary Williams. Not that the classes were half bad but they were not what one needs to learn day trading. They took me down a road of continued education. But I still lost my day trading accounts, as will you if you dont follow my instructions here.

So whats the answer i asked my self staring out the window of my caretaker home overlooking the Caribbean Sea (a job I took to make enough money to open another trading account)?

Truth Is I needed a mentor, that's when the rubber hit the road and my brain started smoking. How in the world would I pick someone? Someone who already was in the trenches and trading every day, and why in the world would they mentor me? There it is, that's what came to my mind...

Here are the biggest problems that day traders will face.

  1. Under Capitalization - In my opinion the biggest one. Capital is your lifeblood. If you don't start with at least $30,000 you better start by saving your money. In fact the FTC wont allow you do day trade right now without at least $25,000 in an account

  2. Emotions - That's right everything changes when you have money on the line. Especially if you need the money to live on. My advice? Save enough so that you will not need the money you are trading with. Trading with needed money will DEFINITELY be a strong negative

  3. Under educated. I don't care how smart you are. YOU NEED A PLAN. If you fail to trade with a plan then you are planning to fail. No if, and or buts about it.

  4. Expecting to hit a home run every time. No really this is a job, a well paying job, but its a job. EX I make around average $250 per day. Some days I do hit a home run. Most days, its a single. My best day so far? $1200. My worst day? -$5000 GRRR.

  5. To get a plan you need a mentor, one that's not really into teaching for the money. That's why you're here - I am going to share my guru with you. Take it or leave it he is the best on the planet at what he does, and he is willing to share with only a few per year. Why am I sharing? Really there is plenty to go around, the stock market is abundant with wealth, a small hand full of people learning to day-trade will have no effect what so ever on the markets.

Now having day-traded for at least 4 months or so I could tell the phonies from the ponies. There are a bunch of guys out there that are pretenders. They look at a screen and tell you when to buy and when to sell. Its like the old adage " If you want to feed a man for a day you give him a fish, if you want to feed him for a life time you teach him how to fish"

I have added a link in the resource box that is a direct link to the only day trading source that I trust or would use on the internet.

It took me two years to find Mark, don't make the same mistakes that I made. Mark gives away a free day trading guide that is second to none


Source by Anthony Gatto

Netiquette Rules - 10 Best Rules for Email Etiquette


Netiquette, or email etiquette, is about the manners we use on the Internet. Cyberspace has its own culture, and has developed its own rules. Without knowing netiquette, you might commit some social blunders, or offend someone without meaning to.

Netiquette rules are based on common sense and respect, but since email is so quick, we often forget that we are still using a form of written communication.

Netiquette or e-mail etiquette 10 best rules are:

1. Imagine your message on a billboard. Anything you send can be forwarded, saved and printed by people it was never intended for. Never send anything that will reflect badly on you or anyone else.

2. Remember that company emails are company property. Emails sent from your workplace can be monitored by people besides the sender and reader, and are technically company property.

3. Avoid offensive comments. Anything obscene, libelous, offensive or racist does not belong in a company email, even as a joke.

4. Keep your message Cool. Email messages can easily be misinterpreted because we don't have the tone of voice or body language to gives us further cues. Using multiple explanation points, emoticons, and words in all capital letters can be interpreted as emotional language.

5. Be careful about forwarding messages. If you aren't sure if the original sender would want to forward the message, don't do it.

6. Don't expect an answer right away. Email messages may be delivered quickly, but your recipient may not read it right away.

7. Don't sacrifice accuracy for efficiency. Don't send sloppy, unedited email. Experts say that for every grammar mistake in an email, there's an average of three spelling mistakes. While the odd spelling mistake is overlooked, when your readers have to break communication to decipher a word or message, at best, you'll look slopping, if not illiterate. At worst, they may stop reading.

8. Include the message thread. Keep the original message for a record of your conversation. However, when sending a new message to the same person, start a new thread with a new subject line.

9. Don't type in all CAPS. It's perceived as YELLING. However, don't write with only small letters, as this is perceived as your being lazy, because it makes it more difficult for people to read.

10. Write clear, organized messages, with a subject line that gives enough information for the reader to file it and find it later.

I invite you to use these netiquette rules and tips when you send email.


Source by Lynda Goldman

50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind #2


Welcome to the 2nd episode of the show that aims to BLOW YOUR MIND with the most AMAZING facts from the world we live in! Subscribe and click the bell to ...


Weight Loss Drugs, Precautions and Side Effects


To be able to accommodate more information in this article, let us jump to the information directly and leave other issues for later discussions. We have provided brief information on weight loss drugs, the manner by which they take their effects, precautionary guidelines and side effects. Lets start.


Also known as Oral Phentermine Hydrochloride (HCL), this weight loss medication is an appetite suppressant, which is primarily used in conjunction with a comprehensive weight loss plan that includes both exercise and dieting.

This weight loss drug works by sending a message to the brain's neurotransmitters to suppress appetite. However, this drug works only on a short-term basis and extended use may create no effects to the system since the body eventually develops resistance towards the medication.

Side effects include chest pain, decreased ability to exercise, fainting, breathing troubles, and swelling of the lower parts of the legs. Once these symptoms persist medical attention must be immediately rendered. Other symptoms that may come about during treatment are depression, diarrhea, psychosis, stomach pain, confusion, clumsiness, nervousness and mouth dryness.


A prescription-based drug, Didrex works by stimulating the brain's appetite centers to diminish appetite cravings. Like Phentermine, this weight loss drug must be taken in conjunction with an over-all exercise and weight loss plan to achieve optimum efficiency.

Side effects are constipation and other gastrointestinal disturbances, blurred vision, chest pain, intense pounding of the heart, lightheadedness, dizziness, and sleeplessness.

Specific guidelines:

Pregnant women are advised not to take Didrex.

Breastfeeding moms must also refrain from Didrex use.

Never share this weight loss drugs with people who were not prescribed with Didrex.


Meridia, a more popular weight loss drugs is an appetite suppressant medication that must be used only for a duration of 8 to 12 weeks. For people with serious obesity, Meridia offers the best help to permanently shed off fasts. Unlike with most weight loss drugs, Meridia is not characterized by its releasing property but by its neurotransmitter-absorbing property that leads to long-term appetite control.

When using Meridia, one must be in observance of certain conditions that might interact with the use of drug. For example, people affected with a condition called as anorexia nervosa are not allowed to undergo Meridia treatment. Some people may also develop allergic reactions to this drug. It is also good to note that Meridia must never be combined with antidepressant drugs such as Parnate and Marplan since interaction may cause serious over stimulation which in most cases, lead to death.

Like with most weight loss drugs, Meridia produces side effects such as blurred vision, dizziness, irritability, sleeplessness and stomach upset.


Xenical, an appetite suppressant drug is known to help control the absorption of fats in the body by combining themselves with digestive enzymes in the stomach. This action leads to the avoidance of fat disintegration. This process blocks up around one-third of all fats absorbed in the body.

The major side effects of Xenical use are the following:

· Oily stool, since this drug cause the flushing of undigested fat with the stool.

· Leads to diminished beta-carotene and fat-soluble vitamins absorption. To compensate these losses, one must take vitamin supplements, which include vitamins K, D, E and A.

· Increased risk factors against high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

· Abdominal pain and discomfort

· Increased defecation

· Rectal pain and discomfort

· Urinary tract infections

· Skin rashes

· Vomiting

· Diarrhea

· Back pain

· Headache

· Gum problems

Since all these medications are prescribed for only a short period, prolonged use is strictly discouraged. Please seek your doctor's advice before taking any of these weight loss drugs.


Source by Kenny Yong

Expecting and Acting (SWBC 2012) - Jerry Savelle


Jerry Savelle ministers Tuesday morning at the 2012 Southwest Believers' Convention.


‘नागपूर अधिवेशन...एक सहल’ ९ डिसेंबर २०१६ पासून आपल्या जवळच्या चित्रपटगृहात.. #Na...

‘नागपूर अधिवेशन...एक सहल’
९ डिसेंबर २०१६ पासून आपल्या जवळच्या चित्रपटगृहात..

‘नागपूर अधिवेशन...एक सहल’
९ डिसेंबर २०१६ पासून आपल्या जवळच्या चित्रपटगृहात..


FALL PREVIEWTRICOLOR TABLET XBODY Betsy's words "The surprise of seeing...


FALL PREVIEWTRICOLOR TABLET XBODY Betsy's words "The surprise of seeing the work come alive walking and dancing around on strangers. Like red lipstick on the mouth, my products wake up, brighten and bring the wearer to life, drawing attention to her beauty and specialness, her moods. movements, her dreams and fantasies." -Fold over magnetic snap closure -8 card slots -Zipper closure 2 lip charms -9" H x 8" W x 1.5" D -Strap approx. 22" drop Brand Authentic Ship Same Day--Purchase By 2PM PST ✔️ Ask Questions Not Answered Betsey Johnson Bags Crossbody Bags


Source by tarahleann

Film Making Tips | Direction Basics & Tips ♥ How to Become Film Maker


Video on Film Direction Basics and How to become film maker or Movie Director.Movie Direction Tips are revealed in the Film Making Process.How to Direct a Short Film would be the basic Question


अवॉर्ड शो के लिए स्क्रिप्ट राइटर बन गए सलमान-शाह रूख़!


सलमान शाह रुख़ को पता चला कि थीम फ्रेंडशिप है तो दोनों और खुश हो गए दोनों ने बिना स्क्रिप्ट लिखे तय किया कि वे इम्प्रोवाइज करेंगे।


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Sonakshi Sinha At Brand Vision Sumeet Awards 2016 Bollywood




Bruce Montalvo & Jordan Maxwell Occult Hollywood Dark Secrets




Photo Composition Tips for Digital Photographs


Digital photography success is based on a few primary things of high importance. The obvious first thing that is very important for digital photography is lighting and light. The light is what will get your image exposed and manipulating it properly will give you absolute control over your photographic image.

Another important aspect is your skills level of technical aspects. You see, photography is a good blend of creativity and technical skills. If you can master the technical side you will have more freedom to be creative. The technical side can include things from shutter speed to measuring the distance for focusing the image properly.

Of course, the last and what this article is about is composing your images. Photo composition is basically how you position your image, where you set the camera at, etc. It's basically what results in what people see in the borders of the image.

The Angle of the Photograph

Picking the right angle for your photo is critically important. It's so crazy how changing the angle of your shot even a few inches can make your photo much better looking. It's also interesting how a few inches off can make the photo look as if it were missing something.

Here are some simple tips for angles. Being that I first got into film making before photography, this stuff is very easy to know and is used very often to convey the relationship of characters and such.

1. From Below Angle

Having the angle of a character be from below will make your model look much more powerful. This is great if your model is a character of importance such as a person of high status or authority.

2. From Above Angle

A photo from above will make the character being shot look much less powerful. It gives the viewer a sense of power over the character being photographed. This type of shot is great for shooting children. It shows them as innocent and infantile.

These different perspectives will create different emotional responses to the image. Obvious above shots and below shots will be quite obvious to the viewer. A good place to work is in a subtle amount above or below. That way the viewer will feel the emotional response but will not quite see the technique used.


Source by Al Sanez

Getting a Rental Car


When planning a vacation or even a business trip, an important criterion to consider is renting a car during your stay as it makes for easy traveling. Getting a rental car does not have to be a strenuous task. Some of the best sources to rent cars are travel agencies which have tie-ups with hotels, newspapers, yellow pages and car rental agencies which offer special rates. Here are a few tips to help you capture the best deal possible.

The first thing you need to decide is how much you're willing to shell out for the car. By looking out for 'special deals' offered by rental agencies, you most probably will have the option of fixing your own price and getting the car you want. Choose a car depending on how many people will be accompanying you on your journey. Remember there are many rental agencies, so shop around and do a thorough research so you don't feel that you spent more than necessary.

Most rental agencies will offer you car insurance for renting a car. What people don't know is it's optional. If you own a car, check with your car insurance company if they cover rental cars. If they don't, it's safer to get that extra insurance. A few credit card companies also offer auto insurance; it would be wise to give them a call. The price that you pay for a rented car would include rental and taxes, insurance is an additional charge. Earlier car companies would only accept credit cards as payment. Now, even though companies still need details of a major credit card from you, you can still make arrangements to pay another way. Also check if they need to have instant credit approval as it may lower your credit line with the card company. Enquire with the auto company the options you have with debit card payments or even a pre-paid voucher.

To be on the safe side when traveling abroad, opt for a GPS unit. Available with rental agencies, they can be placed in the car and can be you're guide throughout your stay without getting you lost and tangled up in maps. With voice prompts, languages to choose from, you're journey can be much more relaxing. heck with the rental company if they intend on sending the car to pick you up or if someone will come and collect you. Another important factor is age. Most companies need the driver to be at least 25 years old. Check the fluids in the car as most car companies rarely change them. Once you get the car, in front of the representative thoroughly check the car for any pre-existing damage so that you aren't held liable later on. Run a test drive to see if the brakes, heat/AC, headlights, windshield wiper, rear view and side view mirrors and other functions of the car are in working condition.


Source by Rajni Seth

The Easiest and Quickest Way to Learn Day Trading


Many people are interested or wanting to learn day trading. Unfortunately, learning the ins and outs of the market can feel like a daunting task and most people are not willing to invest the time. Instead, they either jump in the market blindly and lose much or all of their initial investment or they walk away altogether. With recent technological gains and advancements in the forex software field, it's never been easier to learn day trading and start trading smarter and sooner.

For those who are unaware, forex software is that which you use in combination with your trading campaign to trade more accurately in a number of ways. Traders use this to either trade for them automatically when they are not able to and to trade more accurately and precisely as many of these programs also predict trends in the market so that you can trade accordingly. This takes a great deal of the risk involved in day trading out of the equation so that you can trade more timely, confidently, and safely with a greater peace of mind.

Another great aspect of forex software for those who want to learn day trading is that it typically comes with a demo account. Forex demo accounts are ideal for beginners because they allow you to trade within the real market but without risking any money. Instead you'll be trading with virtual money which you can keep track of and track your results with accordingly. This is ideal because it allows you to make the learning mistakes which you would not be willing to make otherwise had you been trading with your own money.

A forex program coupled with a demo account is hands down the ideal and best way to learn day trading and get started because it allows you to simultaneously educate yourself on both the market as well as the program which you are using. It's recommended that you amass several successful demo trades before transitioning into the real thing and this will happen all the faster with a forex program under your belt guiding your trades. Most reputable publishers allow you to test their programs first hand over trial periods so that you can see for yourself just how it works to best profit you and handle your campaign.


Source by Max Branner

How Social Networking Websites Bring People Together


In this time and age of cyberspace information, being part of a social network helps connecting people around the globe. Today, there are two leading social network linking people around the world successfully. They are Facebook and Twitter, or Twitter and Facebook. One can hardly find the difference.

Facebook was once a simple website that provided a means to communicate through the internet. People ages sixteen to thirty years old were the ones using the services. Information was also limited to the friends that you knew.

Today, Facebook services has been expanded to cater the following: interactive games, fan pages, classified ads and corporate advertisements. The giant network intends to cater to all your personal needs through the internet.

While similar in a number of areas with Facebook, Twitter focuses on a different area of ​​the networking services, particularly the status updates.

Twitter brings people with the same likes and thinking together. These people may not be related in terms of family and friends.

Unlike Facebook that limits your social network that you have identified, Twitter connects you with other people in the website including public figures. The application is made more accessible through the use of the phone. Posting updates through the phone are done regularly by the users to inform the Twitter community of any developments.

Twitter uses keywords and ideas to link users together. As such, people writing the same topic get to see what others are also saying about the topic. If you find the items interesting, Twitter allows you to follow these items. It is similar to adding a friend in Facebook application.

In searching for the best social networking application, it all boils down to who you want to connect. Both provider link people, but link them differently. It is up to the person to choose which one fits one's purpose and need.


Source by Val McQueen

Learn All About Birds | Fun Facts for Kids | Nursery Rhymes for Kids


Watch most popular nursery rhymes for kids : Birds are among the most fascinating creatures in ...


Drinking Water and Weight Loss - Is There a Connection?


There has been a lot of talk about the effects of drinking water on a diet. Some claim that drinking water is a fast weight loss technique. Others say it hardly does anything. What does water actually do for a diet in general and weight loss in particular?

Drinking Water before Meals

One of the big causes for weight loss is overeating. By drinking one or two glasses of water before starting a meal, the body starts to fill up on a calorie free liquid. This curbs the hunger somewhat and limits the craving to eat.

Furthermore, in an article published by the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, it publicized a study which shows that the body's metabolism increases by 30% after drinking 2 glasses of water. This means that the fat accumulated during a meal will burn faster and more efficiently when you drink water before eating. In the same study they found that people actually ate fewer calories after drinking water, and lost more weight than their counterparts.

In short - When you drink water before eating a meal it does two things for your diet: First of all, you end up eating fewer calories during the meal. Second, the water improves the system's ability to burn calories efficiently. Drinking water before meals is definitely a good start to a healthy diet and weight loss program.

Drinking Water between Meals

For the same reasons listed above, drinking enough water throughout the day is vital to a successful diet. Without enough hydration the body will start to crave for food between meals which means snacks and more calories and fat. Make a habit of drinking water often, and it will curb the urge to snack between meals.

In addition, very often the body will mistaken thirst for hunger. By drinking enough this will keep the body hydrated properly and you will not feel these misleading signals.

Dehydration Causes Facial Bloating

Not drinking enough water could cause facial bloating. When the body starts to dehydrate, it will store extra fluid in the facial tissues giving the face a bloated look. Keep you face looking slim by drinking enough water. Do not wait until you feel thirsty. Thirst is a sign that the body is already partially dehydrated. Keep drinking water and you are on your way to a successful path to efficient weight loss.

The Water Diet

There are some people that believe in what is called a water diet. Basically, it involves drinking 64 oz. of cold water a day. You are supposed to drink the water in increments of 8 oz. throughout the day. The theory behind this diet is that the body requires calories to bring the cold water up to body temperature. So by drinking cold water we are forcing the system to burn more calories.

While this theory makes sense, there were no studies that are known to this author to prove that it actually helps with weight loss. Even if the theory was true, you do not need many calories to warm up the water to body temperature. The body burns about 12 calories for every two cups of water. But of course every calorie counts - and combined with the above benefits of water to a weight loss program it is definitely worthwhile to get into the habit of drinking water.


Source by Jay Shifrin

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Acting auditions! Are you ready? To be a successful young actor or actress in TV, movies and national commercials, your auditions are one of the most important things you have to do!

You have to be prepared - and not just up to speed with your acting talent. Young actors have to become comfortable and confident when performing for auditions and showcases.

That's what we do at Break Into Hollywood Studios, and that's why so many of the new TV, film and commercial stars that you are familiar with - are past students of ours! We are the top full featured acting studio for young talent, and we can help you become a star.

What are you waiting for? All you have to do to start is to get in touch with us.

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The Minuet dancing steps


The Minuet dancing steps Posters & Art Prints by George Bickham - Magnolia Box


Source by mamadellie

Joshua Oppenheimer on NIGHT AND FOG (Part 1)


In this clip from a program on our Blu-ray release of Alain Resnais’s NIGHT AND FOG, filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer examines Resnais’s strategy of leaving crucial questions unasked and the effect that has on viewers.


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Video: आमिर खान की फिल्मी बेटियों का ये हुनर आपने पहले नहीं देखा होगा

एक बड़े रिकॉर्ड की ओर बढ़ रही फिल्म दंगल में फातिमा और सान्या का काम लोगों को खूब पसंद आया है और आजकल उनकी हर जगह तारीफ़ हो रही है।

मुंबई। फिल्म दंगल की रिलीज़ होने से पहले ही फिल्म में गीता और बबीता फोगट का किरदार निभाने वाली फातिमा सन शेख़ और सान्या मल्होत्रा काफी फेमस हो चुकी थी और अब वो अपने फैन्स को नए नए हुनर भी दिखा रही हैं।

फिल्म के अपने 'हानिकारक बापू ' की सख़्ती का सामना करने वाली फातिमा और सान्या आम ज़िन्दगी में काफी फन लविंग है जिसका सबूत उनके इंस्टाग्राम पर डाले वीडियो से मिल जाता है। इस वायरल हो रहे वीडियो में दोनों बड़ा ही स्टाइलिश डांस करते हुए देखा जा सकता है। उन्होंने इस तारीफ़ का नाम दिया है।

शाहरुख़ के साथ काम करने को लेकर प्रियंका ने बताया ये सच


A video posted by Fatima Sana Shaikh (@fatimasanashaikh) on

इतना है नहीं दोनों को आमिर खान से कितना लगाव है इसका भी एक सबूत इस वीडियो से मिलता है जिसमें दोनों फिल्म अंदाज़ अपना अपना के गाने 'दो मस्ताने चले ' गाने पर परफॉर्म कर रही हैं।

अब आलिया भट्ट की बनने जा रही है इस हीरो के साथ जोड़ी !

At it again 😇 @sanyamalhotra_

A video posted by Fatima Sana Shaikh (@fatimasanashaikh) on

एक बड़े रिकॉर्ड की ओर बढ़ रही फिल्म दंगल में फातिमा और सान्या का काम लोगों को खूब पसंद आया है और आजकल उनकी हर जगह तारीफ़ हो रही है।


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How to Camp - An Ultimate Beginner's Guide


Now I know what you are telling yourself.....I would really like to camp, it looks fun but I have no idea how to camp, what to bring or what to expect. There are a few things that you really have to determine before you can figure out what you need to do to get ready for your camping trip.  Answering the following basic questions will guide you to finding your footing.

1.  What type of camping have you decided to do?  Did you want to RV camp?  Camper/Trailer camp?  Tent camp?  Backpack/Hike camp?  Canoe/kayak camp? 

Determining the type of camping you want to do can aid you in what sort of equipment and expertise is needed.  For example, you would need a vastly different sort of equipment for RV camping versus hiking camping.

Camping descriptions:

RV Camping (or recreational vehicle camping) is most like living at home because you bring a furnished vehicle that you basically live in with you.  You can make your RV just as comfy as you like.  Everything that you need from home can most likely be brought with you in your RV.  All you really need to think about are what foods and personal items you would like to stock it with.  This type of camping is generally for the people who do not like to "rough it" but also might like to be social since many times RV are parked fairly near each other or in similar sections.  Though there are some normal maintenance items with RVs, you basically park them and live in them.

Camper or Trailer camping is just a step more rugged than RV camping.  Many times campers or trailers do not have showers or toilets, unlike most RVs.  Depending on the camper or trailer, a refrigerator may not be included either.  Generally, camper or trailer camping is more for people who do not like to sleep on the ground or worry about severe weather but still want to get out there.

Tent camping is generally more for people who would like to "rough it."  Tent camping requires you to think about all of your basic needs ahead of time (food, hygiene, restroom requirements, shelter, seeing at night, warmth).  There are actually varying levels of tent camping as well.  Some people like to bring a tent and shop for all of their needs while others like to camp in more remote areas away from people.  Packing for a tent camping trip can be time consuming because you have to think of everything you might need.

Backpacking or Hiking camping is a bit more for the experienced campers.  Think about it...everything you think you are going to need you have to be able to strap to your back and carry it for quite a distance.  You have to be able to pack well and pack light!

Canoe/kayak camping is much like hiking camping in regards to packing but you have to add another element.  You have to make sure that everything is waterproof.  Canoe/kayak camping would be for the more experienced camper and of course, for people who know how to canoe and/or kayak. 

Recommendations for camping situations:

RV Camping - Shop around and do research before you decide on an RV for purchase.  Talk to people who already own them and ask them what they like and don't like about their particular model.  Go to RV dealerships and walk through a bunch of them.  Maybe, go as far as renting an RV on a small trip to see what you do or don't like about RV camping.

Camper/Trailer Camping - Because there might not be amenities like a refrigerator, more setup and forethought is required.  You most likely will have to purchase a cooler or two to keep your food and beverages chilled.  Also, you may have to think about generators if you would like to run electrical items.  Though you might have beds in the camper you may have to put bedding in.

Tent Camping - Think about the type of tent camping you'd like to do.  Does my tent have to be lightweight?  Waterproof?  Wind sturdy?  What size tent do I need (family size or just for me)?  What terrain will I be camping on?  A good camping tent can make all the difference on your trip.

Backpacking/Hiking Camping - Look for lightweight supplies, as you have to carry them all.  Equipment research into lighter weight sturdy hiking backpacks is a good idea.  Always check ahead of time if the area you wish to hike and camp allows people to do so.  Pay attention to "no trespassing" signs and heed them.  Check your weather!  You need to know what equipment to pack for the weather.  It is also recommended that you camp with a buddy.  In case something should happen, there should be someone who can go get help.

Canoe/kayak Camping - It might be advisable to take some canoe or kayak lessons (and swimming lessons) before attempting a camping trip in this way.  Perhaps you may wish to rent a canoe or kayak to make sure you like the activity before diving in.

2.  Where have you decided to go camping?  Are you going to be camping in the Desert?  Beach?  Forest/woods? 

This is a very important question to answer in order to figure out your main needs.  You'd prepare very differently for desert camping than you would for camping in the forest.

In Desert camping temperatures can have extreme ranges from the heat of the day to the cold of the night.  The biggest threats (most of the year) in the desert are the sun and dehydration.  It is very important to protect yourself with sunscreen and drink plenty of water.  Due to the dry air you are not aware of how much you are perspiring because it evaporates so quickly off your skin.

Beach camping is very nice but you should prepare for it.  Due to the nature of sand it is difficult to weigh things down with normal tent stakes.  There are tent stakes that are much longer for this specific purpose.  You also must be prepared for the possibility that sand could get into everything.  Depending on how deep in the sand you'd like to go you should think about the vehicle you are using to get there.  Again, with the nature of sand it may be difficult to dig yourself back out.  You may wish to bring a shovel or random piece of wood.

Forest/woods are usually great for shelter from rainstorms and sun.  They are also great for hammocks but you have to be aware of biting insects and certain itchy plants.  Bug spray would be a huge recommendation for camping in the woods.

3.  When or what time of the year are you going camping?

Figuring out what type of weather you are going to have to deal with while camping is key.  Personally, I think this is the most important information required to plan a proper camping trip.  Of course if you have an RV, this information probably doesn't help you because you aren't exposed to the elements.

Colder weather camping obviously requires warmer clothes but you may wish to consider a warmer camping sleeping bag regardless of what method of shelter you are using.

Wetter weather camping means that your terrain may be more difficult to deal with.  If you are tent camping, it would be recommended to lay a tarp under your tent, look for slightly higher ground to pitch your tent and always use your rain flys.

In hotter weather always make sure to keep yourself hydrated.  If you bring your water with you, bring lots.  If you are hiking camping, you may wish to consider a water treatment or a camping water filter.

Congratulations on taking your first step toward camping by answering these preliminary questions.  You are now on your way to planning for a camping trip tailored more to your specific needs and desires.

Below is a list of general items to take camping.  Please take from it what works best for you and your situation.  Note: Personal items should be included at your discretion.

Things to take camping:


  • Prescribed medications

  • Snake bite kit

  • Calamine lotion

  • Insect repellent

  • Distilled water

  • Rubbing alcohol

  • Cotton balls or cotton swabs

  • Bandages

  • Moleskin (for sore feet)

  • Tweezers

  • Needles

  • Feminine products

  • Scissors

  • Thermometer

  • Individually wrapped gauze pads

  • Adhesive tape

  • Antiseptic

  • Clean old towel or part of bed sheet folded up

  • Steristrips (to hold cuts together)

  • Aspirin

  • Motion sickness medicine

  • Pepto Bismol

  • Aromatic ammonia

  • Glucose packs (for diabetics)

  • Water purifying tablets or filtration kit

  • Razor blades

  • Waterproof matches & container

  • Whistle

  • Solid knife

  • Hydrogen peroxide


  • Tent (tarp, stakes, rain fly)

  • Sleeping bag (sleeping pad for under or air mattress)

  • Pillow

  • Small hatchet

  • Flash lights (& good extra batteries)

  • Camping lanterns (with fuel or good extra batteries)

  • Disposable butane lighter

  • Compass

  • Maps

  • Hammock

  • Cooler (& ice)

  • Water (and/or water filter or water purification tablets)

  • Clothing (weather appropriate)

  • Hat

  • Sunglasses

  • Good walking shoes

  • Personal toiletries

  • Pocket knife

  • Canteen (or hydration pack)

  • Firewood (bring or buy at campsite)

  • Backpack (and/or day pack)

  • Camping

  • Games (cards, frisbee, small portable games)

  • Camera (& good batteries)

  • S'mores fixings (large marshmallows, graham crackers & Hershey's® chocolate)


  • Obviously food (canned & packaged usually do well)

  • Stove (& fuel or charcoal) or a grill or dutch oven

  • Pot & pan (and cooking utensils if planning to cook)

  • Cups & plates & eating utensils

  • Re-sealable plastic bags

  • Plastic containers

  • Paper towel or napkins

  • Note:  If there are bear boxes where you camp.....use them!


  • Can opener

  • Wine bottle opener

  • Utensils

  • Towels

  • Soap (dish soap & bar soap)


  • Flares

  • Folding shovel

  • Tea bags

  • Broth cubes

  • Poncho

  • Candles

  • Rope or cord (12' to 24')

  • Signal mirror

  • MREs (military term for "meals ready to eat")

  • Suturing kit (for extreme cases)

  • Fish kit (& 15' of 10 lbs. line & sinkers & 35mm film container & fish hooks)

  • Water filter or water purification tablets

  • Lifejackets (camping near water)

  • Baking soda (for toothpaste, insect bites, antacid, odors, etc.)


Source by Lori Denil

The Opening Gap Strategy - Why it Makes a Good Automated Trading System


The opening gap trading strategy is a high probability trading method than can bring good returns to the active day trader.

This article will show that this method makes an ideal automated day trading system.

Let's start off by briefly explaining what an opening gap is. It is created when after hours trading activity drives the price significantly far from the closing price. When the market opens the next day, there is a large difference between the price at the start of the new session, and the prior days closing price.

This creates a gap and a trading opportunity with a high probability of success as research has shown that gaps are filled around 70% of the time during that trading session.

Fading the opening gap

To fill a gap down, buyers must enter the market in strength and drive the price upwards so that it travels to, or beyond, the prior closing price. This is called fading the gap and leads to a term called gap fill. The same applies to filling a gap down, although it is sellers who determine this price action.

An ideal day trading strategy

Fading the opening gap makes an ideal day trading strategy. With a high probability that a large gap will be filled during that session, traders can place either long or short trades, depending on the direction of the gap, at the opening price and have a good expectation that price will move favourably for them.

The price action occurs during that session and will either result in the trade being successful or the stops being hit if gap fill is not achieved. The trader should always close his position at the end of the day if neither of these scenarios has been reached.

Why this is ideal for automated trading

The opening gap trade has a number of known parameters that make it ideal for automated trading. The trade entry point is known (the opening price) and the trade exit point is also known - the gap fill price. Also it is relatively easy to calculate the stop loss position which comes into play if gap fill is not achieved.

These known parameters can be programmed into an automated trading system that can then place the trades and undertake effective money management all without intervention from the trader.

This means a number of instruments such as futures contracts can be traded at the same time without the need for a trader to be at the computer screen during the trading session.


Source by Chris Ray

ZuptasMustFall and Other Rants


Book Title: #ZuptasMustFall and other rants

Publisher: Penguin Books

Author: Fred Khumalo

Year: 2016

In #ZuptasMustFall and other rants, Fred Khumalo morphs into the foremost social commentator of the post-apartheid South Africa. He no longer only speaks truth to power with his trademark blend of humour but calls out the obnoxious leaders who make our nascent democracy susceptible to the kleptocratic disease. He confronts the bare and brutal facts of our recent history, and mediates on our country's future.

In the title essay #ZuptasMustFall, Khumalo does away with politically correct language. The gloves are off! He calls the whole Guptas' affair a form of halitosis. Khumalo's parting shot in this essay is telling. He writes, 'In sitting down to tell this story, I was startled by how close those in power came to offering my country to the Guptas on a platter.'

Khumalo's latest offering is an ensemble of shrewd political analysis; a take on everyday life including music, soccer, Zimbabwe, xenophobia, and yes, other rants. What makes this collection a must read is the novel manner in which ordinary Facebookers feature, holding their own as commentators. Khumalo decided to include his Facebook posts in the collection alongside comments as a tribute to the extraordinary power of social media and, of course, to please the legions of his online fans.

In this collection, there's an exuberance previously unseen in Khumalo's writing. It seems the freedom of being unemployed in the traditional sense of the word has achieved a metamorphosis that was not possible in the confines of a newsroom environment. This new collection, encompassing unpublished material, columns published in various newspapers, and Facebook posts completes Khumalo's illustrious career as a writer, novelist, social commentator and keen observer of the post-apartheid South Africa (teetering on collapse if the rating agencies are to be believed).

In a nutshell, the book's about the idiosyncrasies of a nation - he warns us about unchecked xenophobia which may lead to ethnic cleansing, the life and shoes of Grace Mugabe, and the shenanigans of President Zuma's nephew - the larger than life Khulubuse. He takes us on a tour to America in a piece titled, On a bus in America. However, it is his opening gambit simply titled #TrevorNoahAllTheWay that truly brings home the effects of colonialism and white privilege. In this piece, Khumalo chastises American comedians, in particular, Richard of the House of Pryor who apparently came to Africa and stole 'our jokes'. This, of course, is a riposte to the American media who accused the host of the popular Daily Show of having stolen some of their jokes. Apparently, according to Khumalo, you can't steal a joke. This collection would have been incomplete without the legendary story of Christmas with the Khumalos.

The collection is devastatingly honest in its analysis and commentary. It's jam-packed. It's scary. It's funny. It's serious. At once, it's poetic. At times, it's hilarious but, always, it's superbly written. One misplaced word could have ruined it. This collection is truly a masterpiece. Khumalo has administered a coup de grâce with the written word on South Africa's miscreants. There is nowhere to hide, Mr. Khumalo is WATCHING YOU.


Source by Bhekisisa Mncube

Five Fun Facts about Space


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Is Quick Weight Loss Diets Effective?


Weight loss process is not a quick one. If anyone told you about quick weight loss diets just remember they can be termed as fad diets. At the end of this article, I will you where to find "diet and weight loss programs" which are safer and effective.

Before you go for any diet plan program or purchase any diet program make sure the program does not offer any of these.

A. No Exercise needed:

Diet plans that claims that "no exercise are required" are fake ones. Exercise plays major role in proper blood circulation and other human body activities. Also, both exercise and diet should go hand in hand.

B. Skipping meals

If the diet plans requires you to skip meals then run away from it. These diet plans are fad diets and is not a healthy one. It will lead to serious problems or complications. Skipping meals may lead to hypoglycemia.

3. Continuous dawdling

To start losing weight you should act now. Delaying will only make your problem worse. So avoid diet plans which suggest a certain time frame for your start.

Patience is a virtue. The same way it took your body time to gain all that weight, think about it as the time your body will have to exert just to get rid of it. Therefore the diet plan you choose will lead eventually to a more healthy life and a more fruitful living without extra pounds and extra fat

Also remember that benefit acquired from losing weight is huge.


Source by Balajiee Sampath

Nier: Automata Beginners Guide (How To Play, Basics, Should I Buy?, Tips...)


NieR: Automata is an upcoming action role-playing game developed by PlatinumGames and published by Square Enix for PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows in 2017. The game is set in the same universe as Nier, a spin-off of the Drakengard series. Set in the midst of a proxy war between machines created by otherworldly invaders and the remnants of humanity, the story follows the battles of combat android 2B, her companion 9S, and the obsolete prototype A2.

Production began in 2014, with series creator Taro Yoko, producer Yosuke Saito, and composer Keiichi Okabe returning to their respective roles. Atsushi Inaba is acting as co-producer for PlatinumGames, while regular Square Enix artist Akihiko Yoshida designed the main characters. The goal was to make a new Nier game true to the spirit of the original, while creating better action gameplay. As a project entirely new to the developers, PlatinumGames staff faced multiple challenges when developing its gameplay and open world environment.



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India's Leading audition listing website

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This pack contains a comprehension titled 'Santa in sunny Mauritius' wit...


This pack contains a comprehension titled 'Santa in sunny Mauritius' with questions and answers. There is also one page that is focused solely on grammar based on the text. I have also included some fun activities like a word search, adjectives to describe Santa and a page for the students to create dance moves for the jolly man himself.Answer sheets are included and I would recommend this pack for grade 5 - 7.Check out my store and other products:Silly SherbetChristmas English Activities


Source by starsonspectrum

Filmmaking Final Project 2016




Shahid Kapoor shares first image of daughter Misha and it is too cute to miss!


New Delhi: Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor on Saturday surprised his fans by sharing the first picture of his daughter Misha online. The 35-year-old star in August this year welcomed his first bundle of joy and, since then, his followers were dying to see her first look.

However, Misha's face isn't visible in the image but her legs can be seen in the photograph. She is wearing adorable pink shoes in the pic. 'Mi-shoe,' Sasha captioned it.

The picture is cute enough to make you go awww! Have a look: 

Shahid and wife Mira Rajput became proud parents of a daughter earlier this year. 

On the professional front, Shahid is busy shooting for filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Padmavati'. The movie also stars Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh in prominent roles.


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surya jyothika @ Abbas Birthday Bash Images


Beyoncé, Megan Fox, Madonna, Katy Perry, Nicole Kidman, Rihanna, Lady Gaga... Lots of famous actress and singers without any make up! Huma Qureshi ...


Hollywood Best Hot Scene Ever


Hollywood Best Hot Scene Ever.


Five Tips For Making Your Animated Flash Cartoons Look Better


So, you have a great idea for a cartoon. The problem is your artistic skills are a bit lacking. No problem! With a little practice and these tips, you'll be on your way to creating eye pleasing works of art!

  1. The Shape Tool Is Your Friend. Did you know that using the shape tool (circles, squares, etc.) keeps the file size of your flash files down? Furthermore, it creates a smoother look for the things you draw. The Pencil Tool is great and allows for a lot of freedom, but it can cause drawings to not look as good as they could. With a little practice and some manipulation, you can create anything with the shape tool.

  2. Use Filters! Let's say you have created an object and placed it in the background of your movie. The problem is it looks too dominate and clashes with the foreground. Want to add more depth to the scene? Apply the blur filter to the object! By doing this you can create a pseudo depth of field that can bring out your foreground objects, while keeping your background objects minimized (and vice-versa). On top of that you can take advantage of the shadow filters to create the effect of light sources and more!

  3. Play With The Framerate. The framerate of your cartoon can greatly have an impact on the visual style. The higher your framerate, the smoother things will look. Of course with high framerates you have to animate more frames to compensate. But that extra work may be worth it for a smoother looking movie. Of course the opposite is also true. Maybe you want a choppier look to your film which would require a lower framerate. Again, this is something you should play with to determine what looks best to you.

  4. Use After Effects Or Similar Software. After Effects is an incredibly powerful piece of software and with little effort you can add a completely new look to your cartoon. Of course using After Effects (or similar software) requires your cartoon to be a video file and not a Flash file. So, depending on how you plan to distribute your movie, this may not be an option. But if you are exporting your cartoon to be a video, I highly recommend you check out this option.

  5. Believe In Your Style. Look for ways to take advantage of your own style. It can take sometime for a Flash cartoonist to "come into his/her own". Is there a limitation in your own style your aware of? Go ahead and play with that in the movie; turn a disadvantage into an advantage. More importantly, just have fun with it!


Source by Chad Troftgruben

Do Prepaid Cards Report to Credit Bureaus?


Are you looking for a prepaid card that reports to a credit bureau? The short answer is that most prepid cards do not help you improve your credit. That's because prepaid cards are not credit cards, and thus they do not extend credit to you. No credit, no credit bureau tie in.

However, there are are some cards that offer a credit reporting feature. Called the iAdvance Line of Credit by MetaBank, this is essentially a way to take out loans on a prepaid card account that when paid back get reported to one or more of the three major credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, or Equifax.

What Is a Prepaid Card?

First know how prepaid cards work. They are stand alone cards that look and act like a checking account debit card. They carry the Visa or MasterCard logo (typically) and run on the same debit card networks. They have an embossed 16-digit number on the front. This is your card's account. They have a magnetic strip on the back for card swipe machines to read your card account number. And they have a security code and signature line on the back as well. Unlike traditional debit cards (also known as check cards) prepaid cards are debit cards that are not attached to a checking or savings account.

You simply apply for a prepaid card from any number of prepaid card companies - such as MiCash MasterCard. There are no credit checks. You just have to verify your identity by providing your social security number and birth date (as required under the US Patriot act to avoid terrorists or other criminals from obtaining a card). To use the card, you must "load" your card with money. You can do this through direct deposit, or through reloading networks. (See which networks apply to your prepaid card).

After you do that, you can use the card for purchases, and for each purchase, the purchase amount is deducted from your card's balance. When you reach zero dollars, you either need to put more money onto your card or it will become inactive. With prepaid cards, you'll pay either a monthly fee or a per-transaction fee (usually a dollar a transaction). So while these cards are not free, for the unbanked (people who can not get a credit card or a checking account) they are an excellent alternative.

More About iAdvance

Here's how iAdvance works. You go to the iadvance website and sign up using your card account. You have to have direct deposit set upon your card as well. With the MiCash Card, you simply download a direct deposit form and, fill it out with your card's account number, and hand it in to your employer's payroll department.

Once you have set up direct deposit, you contact iAdvance online or by phone and take out a loan against your card balance (up to 50% of your balance). iAdvance does not recommend treating this program like a payday loan, and limits the number of iAdvances you can take out in a given calendar year.

Rather, it is meant for you to take out small loans - even as small as $ 20, which will then be automatically paid back the next time you have a direct deposit. This loan transaction and the fact that you paid it back on time (which happened automatically provided you did not cancel direct deposit in the interim) is reported to one or more of the three major credit bureaus.

Over time, you will build up a history through iAdvance of paying loans back on time. This should help with your credit score, although iAdvance makes no claims that it will.

Not a Credit Card

So, even though you do not have a credit card, this is a good method for generating some "credit" that will wind up in your credit report. Another method is to pay bills, although bear in mind that most bill pay programs do not report to the major credit bureaus and hence, their value is minimal.


Source by David M. Pratt