Saturday, December 31, 2016

Photo Composition Tips for Digital Photographs


Digital photography success is based on a few primary things of high importance. The obvious first thing that is very important for digital photography is lighting and light. The light is what will get your image exposed and manipulating it properly will give you absolute control over your photographic image.

Another important aspect is your skills level of technical aspects. You see, photography is a good blend of creativity and technical skills. If you can master the technical side you will have more freedom to be creative. The technical side can include things from shutter speed to measuring the distance for focusing the image properly.

Of course, the last and what this article is about is composing your images. Photo composition is basically how you position your image, where you set the camera at, etc. It's basically what results in what people see in the borders of the image.

The Angle of the Photograph

Picking the right angle for your photo is critically important. It's so crazy how changing the angle of your shot even a few inches can make your photo much better looking. It's also interesting how a few inches off can make the photo look as if it were missing something.

Here are some simple tips for angles. Being that I first got into film making before photography, this stuff is very easy to know and is used very often to convey the relationship of characters and such.

1. From Below Angle

Having the angle of a character be from below will make your model look much more powerful. This is great if your model is a character of importance such as a person of high status or authority.

2. From Above Angle

A photo from above will make the character being shot look much less powerful. It gives the viewer a sense of power over the character being photographed. This type of shot is great for shooting children. It shows them as innocent and infantile.

These different perspectives will create different emotional responses to the image. Obvious above shots and below shots will be quite obvious to the viewer. A good place to work is in a subtle amount above or below. That way the viewer will feel the emotional response but will not quite see the technique used.


Source by Al Sanez

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