Saturday, December 31, 2016

How Social Networking Websites Bring People Together


In this time and age of cyberspace information, being part of a social network helps connecting people around the globe. Today, there are two leading social network linking people around the world successfully. They are Facebook and Twitter, or Twitter and Facebook. One can hardly find the difference.

Facebook was once a simple website that provided a means to communicate through the internet. People ages sixteen to thirty years old were the ones using the services. Information was also limited to the friends that you knew.

Today, Facebook services has been expanded to cater the following: interactive games, fan pages, classified ads and corporate advertisements. The giant network intends to cater to all your personal needs through the internet.

While similar in a number of areas with Facebook, Twitter focuses on a different area of ​​the networking services, particularly the status updates.

Twitter brings people with the same likes and thinking together. These people may not be related in terms of family and friends.

Unlike Facebook that limits your social network that you have identified, Twitter connects you with other people in the website including public figures. The application is made more accessible through the use of the phone. Posting updates through the phone are done regularly by the users to inform the Twitter community of any developments.

Twitter uses keywords and ideas to link users together. As such, people writing the same topic get to see what others are also saying about the topic. If you find the items interesting, Twitter allows you to follow these items. It is similar to adding a friend in Facebook application.

In searching for the best social networking application, it all boils down to who you want to connect. Both provider link people, but link them differently. It is up to the person to choose which one fits one's purpose and need.


Source by Val McQueen

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