Saturday, December 31, 2016

Learn the Video Creation Process!


Want to create a professional looking video and share it with others on YouTube, or probably on a DVD? Do you think this job is for professionals? You are far away from the truth.

Most people are comfortable recording on a camera, but the moment it comes to transferring the video on a computer, they feel uncomfortable. But the good thing nowadays is that you really do not need a lot of hardware to take the videos on the computer and edit it.

The video that you record on your camcorder may look interesting but you can always improve it further before you make a video or copy it on a DVD.

Here are the steps that you need to follow to create a professional looking video, which you can then distribute on various media, including DVD.

Though the user-manual that accompanies your digital camcorder would give you information on how to do this, the information is usually very concise and full of technical jargon. The technical information can look daunting and can be difficult for beginners to understand.

So here is how you go through the video creation process!

Step 1: Get yourself the necessary Video Equipments / Software
Tools like camcorder, capture card, computer, and editing software will come here. Get those that suit your needs and budget. Most manufacturers provide these as part of a package so you may not even need to buy anything extra.

Step 2: Shoot Your Video
This is the easy part. Once you have a camcorder it is not difficult to figure out how to use it. You can straight-away proceed with recording your videos.

Step 3: Capture your video on Computer
This is the connection part between your camcorder and the computer. You do this so that you can capture your recorded video on the computer. The cable is provided with the camera and this is usually connected to the USB port. Once on the computer it becomes easy to edit it and copy it to different media.

Step 4: Edit Your Video
You can polish your video further using an editing software program. You can add Menus, Titles, Transitions, Effects, Soundtrack, Narration, etc. Again, the manufacturer usually provides a bundled editor, or you may use a free program such as windows movie-maker to do the editing.

Step 4: Share Your Video
The final step and the easiest of them all, share your video to the world! You have flexibility to copy your final video to a host of applications / media. You can write it to DVD / VCD, make it in a format for the internet, for portable devices like iPod, etc.

These are the steps in the video creation process. Nothing much to it actually! Play around for some time and you will be an expert in no time.


Source by Suresh Bist

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