Saturday, February 11, 2017

10 Famous Movie CLICHES You Can Expect In EVERY Blockbuster


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Blockbusters have become the dominant form of film in the 21st century, telling fantastical tales full of stuff people can only dream of. It’s no secret why they’re so popular; they provide audiences with escapism and are usually prime illustrations of movie magic. As great as many of these works are, there’s no denying that trends that frequently pop up in them have started to wear out their welcome. As the studios look for ways to push the creative envelope in new and creative ways, hopefully they find some solutions to 10 blockbuster movie clichés you are definitely tired of.

Script by: Chris Agar @ChrisAgar90

Voice Over by: Rob Flis @Rob_Flis

Fake-Out Deaths
Final Installments Broken Up
Money Grabbing Sequels
Trailers Spoiling Movies
Over-Reliance On CGI
Generic Villains
Lack Of Diversity
Women As Eye Candy
Dark, Realistic Blockbusters
Subplots That Set Up Sequels

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