Thursday, February 9, 2017

A Valentine's Day Tribute to Young Love

One of the most romantic pictures any of us can conjure up is that of two young lovers walking along, so engrossed in each other that they have no idea whether anyone else is present or not.

Endless stories, poems and songs have been written about young love and gorgeous paintings have been rendered in their honor.

We have all been touched by young love at one time or another, have not we? Most of us personally! We smile as we remember what it felt like. Oh, the thrill of it all ...

But does it stop there? What of mature middle-life love with it's myriad assignments of career and parenting? What of the blessings that come as we measure our lives by how many great grandchildren we have?

Does young love ever get old? I suggest we visit an "all care", retirement center for the answer to that question. What evidence do we find that young love is alive and well as we walk around the campus and visit the assisted living and nursing home facilities?

We immediately see spouses pushing their loved ones in wheel chairs. A few minutes of visiting with them make it clean that they would not want to be anywhere else. It's obvious that their being together still means a great deal.

As we pass the nursing home dining room, several spouses are patiently feeding lifetime mates. Look more closely ... young love is in their eyes.

We meet couples with six and even seven decades to their credit, holding hands as they attend a program or walk about the campus. The glow is still there and it's still new.

Young love endures. Young love remains in the young-at-heart. Young love promises "forever" and means it ... because love is always young. It does not have a "shelf-life".

So yes, lets never forget the beginnings of love ... the excitement and the wonder of it all. Oh, the thrill of infatuation and the intoxicating breathlessness of novelty! And then lets celebrate the fact that it's possible to still be in love ... even when dear ones have passed. Love is ageless and eternal.

Source by Luise Volta

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