Monday, February 6, 2017

Camera Mode


The quality of your photography is what will tell me if you are still on automatic mode or have moved on to manual. Manual mode is the highest mode on the camera mode listing and with it you get to show your depth and control of your photography. Many people like to stick or automatic because they feel safer and are probably not too serious about the photos they take. However a given few will opt to be original and will probably switch to manual camera mode within a week from the time they start taking photos with their new digital camera.

Automatic camera mode is basically like being in kindergarten because the camera helps you out by doing particularly everything like setting the color depth, the lighting, and many other options which if you wanted you would set for yourself according to how you want it. Camera modes were created to make digital cameras easier for the photographers and they have been around since the days of roll film cameras. With the automatic you get to just take the photo without having to check the setting or make any changes but with manual mode you choose everything for yourself because it has to be by your specifications.

So if the photo doesn't come out well then it is probably your fault. There is however some settings even in manual mode that the camera will keep the same. The goodness with digital cameras is that they remember how you had set your settings and will keep them the same.


Source by Peter Gitundu

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