Monday, February 6, 2017

Digital Camera Tips - How to Use to Your Digital SLR Camera Like the Pros


Using a Digital Camera is so much fun nowadays when compared to using a film camera. The benefit of reviewing the photo on the LCD is my favorite feature that I enjoy the most. The digital camera tips that I'm going to share to you will be primarily for Digital SLR camera users. But people using the point and shoot camera can benefit too because some of this tiny cameras are so much advancing that you can find some of the features of digital SLR.

My best advice for beginners who are in a budget is to try to buy a used Digital SLR camera in eBay. That's where I bought my backup Camera a Canon 10D which I am still using. There are some flaws in it but for the most part it's still unbeatable in quality compared to most of the newer point and shoot cameras.

Here are some of the best digital camera tips I'm going to share to you according to my experience.

1) Avoid using autofocus in your digital SLR Camera. I know a lot of my fellow photographers will disagree with me but hey just try it, and you will see the difference. Just remember there's no more waste of film. We are living in a digital world. I mean you're using a sophisticated Digital Camera. The best camera setting is to use only one focusing point. This is especially helpful in doing closeup photography. But for sports I would recommend using autofocus.

2) Use the Manual Mode always in your digital SLR camera. Some will say, I got descent shots with full automatic mode, why should I switch in manual mode? But if you are going to try it you will surely discover that your photos will look more professional. But my advice is to learn first the basic function of your DSLR Camera. Read the manual of your camera or read some books related to using a digital SLR Camera.

3) My third digital camera tips is to experiment with using custom white balance in your camera. When I'm shooting indoors I sometimes encounter mixture of lights. Some restaurants use tungsten lighting and daylight. Using automatic white balance does not really work. I switch my camera to custom white balance and take a photo of a white wall or the white gown of the bride to base my white balance. This is the secret, try to lower your flash output to about minus 1 before you take a picture for the custom white balance. The result depends on different flash models and cameras. Try this and you'll be surprise with the result.

4) Avoid using direct Flash on your subject especially doing portraits. Either bounce your flash or use Gary Fong's lightsphere softlighting which I'll discuss soon. Some flash now have a bounce card that you can use to soften your light. This is a great feature.


Source by Rodrigo Manguba

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