Monday, February 13, 2017

Father's Day - Finding The Perfect Present For Your Dad

Choosing the ideal Father's Day present is not an easy task for most of us - if you're anything like me, you'll want to get something personal, something that he'll use and remember that you bought for him - and most of all, something that isn't socks or aftershave! Not easy, huh?

Looking at it from his point of view - it can't be much fun getting the same kind of presents each year. But at the end of the day, all he really wants is to know that you've thought about what he'd like and made an effort to find a gift that he'll appreciate.

As we all know, a good place to start is with his hobbies - but here is where it can get more interesting... Rather than buying new golf club covers (only if he's into golf!) or some other small item that relates to his hobby - why not try this...

Find a photo in the archives of your computer that you know he has always liked - either of family, dog, garden or of him doing whatever he likes best. A good idea, if you can find one, is of him and you together.

Now there are loads of ways you can give that picture as a gift. You could print it out with a message on it, then frame it. If you can print to A4 and smaller, try to make it fit a small picture frame which could stand on his desk to remind him of all the good times you have together. If you can print bigger - a wall hanging frame might be more appropriate. Frames can be picked up in markets or small shops quite cheaply if you shop around. In either case you might consider decorating the frame with beads, string or other craft materials for a unique gift.

If he's into computers or his mobile phone you could add your photo to his, as wallpaper. Make sure you get up early on Father's Day to do it. But do make sure you know what you're doing. Messing up his computer or his phone will not be an ideal way to start Father's Day!

Another way to make that photo into a gift is to mount it on card so that it stands out as a 3D effect. The simplest way to do this is to print your photo onto photo quality paper or card. Use double sided sticky pads to mount it on another piece of card. You can decorate around the photo by sticking on pictures of other family members or some of the places he's visited or things he's interested in. If you're feeling very creative, you could print your picture more than once. Then cut out smaller detail from the picture and mount them on top of the first photo to create a decoupage effect.

The important thing to remember is that it doesn't have to be perfect - it just has to show that you care about him enough to make the effort to make something just for him.

Of course if you are really stuck - telling him you love him and giving him a hug is probably the best present in the world for any Dad on Father's Day!

Source by Gayle Norbury

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