Sunday, February 12, 2017

Get Back Your Ex Girlfriend on Valentines Day

Has it been a while since your break up? If it has then you may be able to use Valentines Day as a catapult to getting back your ex. Usually I would recommend putting some space between you and your ex, but if there has been ample time between the break up and now, then your time to strike may just be this Valentines Day. And strike in a good way, not a bad one.

Do not be too over the top.

If you feel like it may be a good time to do so, I would suggest not getting overly crazy about it. For one thing, you may scare the heck out of her. I would steer clear of getting any rings or extravagant gifts. Maybe something a little more toned down, such as a card or some flowers. If you want to get back your ex, you will have to take your time. Showing them that you care on this day may be just the thing to starting fresh.

Do not be pushy.

With Valentines Day, I am sure that all you want is to get things back to the way it used to be, but it is not the way it used to be. What does this mean for you? This means that you may need to hold back doing and saying all of the things that you want to. For instance if you are going to contact your ex, do not get pushy and tell her you want to go to dinner and a movie. Be polite and ask if she has any plans and if she would be open to maybe getting a cup of coffee or getting together as a group. Planning something non-intimate will come off as you showing that you care without any pressure on her.

There are a lot of things that I am sure that you want to do to show your love and affection and just how much you missed her, but trust me when I say that unless you are absolutely sure that she wants you to do something extravagant then steer clear of it. And what I mean by absolutely sure is that you see hints and signs and other friends have actually told you what she is expecting.

If you really want to make things right, then maybe just maybe this may be a good time. However, only you are the best judge of this. Do your best not to be too aggressive and pushy, while showing her that you still care enough about her and you will be just fine.

Source by Arvy Smith

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