Saturday, February 11, 2017

Graviola Cancer Cure

Also known as Annona muricata, soursop or guananbaba, the possible Graviola cancer cure has been under investigation since the 1940s. This tropical plant grows in Central and South America and has been purposely grown for its healing properties for more than three centuries. The bark, fruit, leaves and roots have been utilized in folk medicines mainly as a sedative. However, native South American healers have used the plant to improve ailments such as heart complaints, arthritis, liver problems, fevers and asthma.

Researchers have found that Graviola does show remarkable potential healing properties and has given positive results in test tube studies. However as yet, there have been no clinical trials on humans or animals.

The National Cancer Institute carried out the first modern clinical research on Graviola in 1976. Tests done at Perdue University found that prostate, lung and pancreatic cancerous cells were killed by the leaves of the Graviola plant. Further studies were conducted to investigate the chemical effects of the plant in laboratory tests, however tests on humans or animals are required to create conclusive results. Studies in Korea resulted in findings that cells from colon cancer where destroyed more effectively 10,000 times stronger - using Graviola than Adriamycin, a popular chemotherapy drug. Taken in isolation and with the quest continuing to find a cure for cancer Graviola certainly seems to be very effective.

There are known side effects from chemotherapy which is used on tumors like mesothelioma cancer, such as hair loss and nausea. However, Graviola only targeted and killed the carcinogenic cells leaving normal healthy cells alone, much more preferable than toxic drugs which can kill the cancer but also the healthy cells. Cancers such as malignant mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma are aggressive cancers caused by exposure to asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral used in building. Its use has now been banned.

In traditional native folk medicine, the seeds of Graviola are utilized in the removal of parasites in the human body. Jamaicans and West Indians eat the fruit to stop diarrhea and lower fevered body temperatures. Brazilians make a tea from Graviola to relieve liver complaints and extract oils from the seeds to improve rheumatic conditions and arthritis. In Guyana the leaves are made into a tea and drank for a healthy heart and as a sedative.

The Graviola herb has shown promising results and the active ingredients are called Annonaceous acetogenins. In test tubes they have aggressive anticancer results and only a small amount is needed to produce positive effects 1 part in 100,000,000 for example.

The Graviola tree cancer cure is still under trial but, worldwide, there are more than two thousand varieties of plants in the Annonaceae family and the potential for further cures to serious diseases is clearly exciting. Graviola supplements and Graviola extract are available to aid well-being and taken as a general healthful tonic for the body. The fruit is high in carbohydrates especially fructose and contains significant vitamins C, B1 and B2. So, it seems that there is hope, however, more in depth research needs to be conducted to produce a definitive graviola cancer cure.

Source by Annabelle Wooldridge

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