Monday, February 6, 2017

How to Make Money on Youtube ($11,521/m with Very Small Channels)

Learn how to make money on Youtube even if you have a very small channel. In this video, I walk you through the strategy I use to make $11,526/m in physical product affiliate commissions leveraging the power of my YouTube "Triple Stack Playlist" tactic. You can use this to sell all types of products and services online!

A lot of people overlook YouTube for it's earning potential.

See, you don't need 10,000,000 subscribers to make a full time living from a YouTube Channel.

You don't need to be funny.

You don't need to be in a sexy niche.

In fact, one of my most profitable YouTube channels is very small with just a few thousand subscribers, and it's in the most BORING topic you can think of.

(I have to fight myself from falling asleep at the keyboard whenever I work on this channel once every few months.)

But despite all that ,this channel earns over $10,000 a month in profit in affiliate commissions.

It doesn't make it on Google Adsense either.

All I do is funnel traffic from my YouTube videos and send them directly to my website, where I give more information and pitch high quality products to my audience.

When done right, you can earn serious money from YouTube traffic because you are able to warm your audience up in a step by step manner.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this video and hope it will help you earn more money with your YouTube videos.

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