Sunday, February 12, 2017

How to Please Your Husband on Valentine's Day - What Every Man Hopes He'll Get

When it comes to Valentine's Day, the spotlight is often on women. Just look at the advertisements. Chocolate truffles, diamond tennis bracelets and floral arrangements abound. Not exactly what men want on February 14th. So what does your husband want on Valentine's Day?

When I asked mine he answered with a smile, "That's a stupid question." In other words, I should already know the answer. Men are not hard to figure out like women. They want to make love on Valentine's Day in a memorable way. They do not ask for anything you have to save money for or go into debt over. They just want to have great sex with their wives and who can blame them?

So here are a few ideas to get your special gift ready for Valentine's Day:

1. Be creative. Brainstorm about different locations in your house for sex that would work, or maybe surprise your husband with one night's stay at a local hotel. Think of different ways to create mood using candles, music, massages, lotions, scents or foods. For example, you can let those chocolate kisses live up to their name and eat chocolate together when lovemaking.

2. Be aggressive. A man dreams of being pursued by his lover. He longs to feel wanted and needed. Your husband does not want to have sex with a lifeless victim. Be aggressive and take charge in the bedroom. Your husband will not mind following your lead one bit.

3. Be a planner. Put your love rendezvous on the calendar. Write your husband a note inviting him to a night of great sex. Write the time and date on the bathroom mirror with lipstick. Create a sense of anticipation and plan for a special night of intimacy together.

4. Be attractive. If you were going out to dinner with your girlfriends, you would put on makeup and do your best to look attractive. Give the same care and attention to your appearance before you make love to your husband. When you look your best, you will feel sexier and your husband will be reminded of the beauty he married.

Put the spotlight on the man you love this Valentine's Day. Do not worry about what you will receive; instead focus on what you can give. In so doing, you'll have one of the best Valentine's Days ever!

Today's Action Step: What will you do this Valentine's Day to make your husband feel special?

Source by Arlene Pellicane

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