Thursday, February 9, 2017

How to Survive Being the Single Girl in Everyday Life

It's that time of year again, the holidays and "Singles Awareness Day", otherwise known as Valentine's Day. You can't turn around without seeing another romantic Christmas gift jewelry or car commercial, or go to your holiday parties without answering questions with "Yes, I came here alone tonight". You can't even go the home improvement store to get some new furniture without those double bathroom vanities mocking you! It's enough to make a single girl go mad, but here's a good way to take control of the situation.

Turn off the TV. No really, it sounds ludicrous but it works. Just think about it, if you're busy doing other things with your friends, family, working out, catching up on all those books you want to read or starting that art class you always wanted to take, then you won't have time to sit at home feeling like the left out single. You can be busy checking off those items on your life's to do list and spending time in the company of good friends and family making precious memories, rather than sitting on the couch. If you're busy doing other things and making yourself feel like you're getting other important things done, then those sappy romantic commercials won't bother you nearly so much anymore.

Be the life of the party girl! You don't have to wander into parties and try and find the best way to blend in with the wallpaper just because you came without a beau on your arm. You're not single at the party because there's something wrong with you, you're single because you know what you want and you're picky. Whatever the reason may be that you don't have a significant other, just be confident in the things that are going well, like all those activities you've taken on rather than being a couch potato. It makes you more interesting if you have fun things to talk about, such as your new artwork, the latest book you've read, or trying out kickboxing. Whatever new things are keeping you busy, I guarantee you will feel better about yourself and much more fulfilled if you try new things and spend time with your loved ones rather than sit on the couch and watch TV.

Finally, go ahead and give those double vanities the "what for" when you cruise by them in the store and head to your independent single bathroom vanities. Just because you're single doesn't mean that you can't redecorate or remodel your home, because it is YOUR house. You don't have to wait for Mr. Right to make your house a home, go ahead and decorate it for yourself. You'll love having a new dream bathroom for yourself, and you deserve it!

So don't let those commercials or vanities get to you anymore. Take control of the situation and turn it around, starting with a beautiful single vanity to call your own!

Source by Jane Worthington

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