Thursday, February 9, 2017

How To Upload Videos to Youtube

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There are a lot of things you can do in your videos to make people want to keep watching and subscribe, but none of them matter much if viewers never click your videos in the first place. Or worse; if they never even get a chance to click because your video doesn’t come up in their search.
Today I’m going to talk about the video uploading process on YouTube and how you can use the titles, descriptions, and tags of your videos to get more views.
First, you need to choose a title that will make people want to watch your video. Take this video, for example. A title like ‘Tips on Uploading’ would have sounded pretty generic.
People are more likely to click videos that make them curious and offer a clear benefit. Including terms like ‘tutorial’, ‘video’, or ‘how to’ can help a lot since people often type them into their searches.
Once you’ve figured out your title it’s time to write your description.
Your description should be a short synopsis of your video that includes your most important keywords. For example, ‘upload videos to Youtube’ is a popular search term so I’ve made sure to put it in this video’s description.
The first three lines of your description are the most important because everything after them will disappear under a ‘show more’ tab. If you have any links you want people to check out then make sure they are before the cut off.
Lastly; let’s talk tags.
Your tags are keywords people will be searching for when they find your videos. Make sure to use a lot of them!
Your first couple tags will be obvious. For example, the first tag I’ll add to this video is ‘Youtube tutorial’. Youtube will suggest additional tags once you start typing them in, but there are other ways to find good tags.
I find it really helpful to look at videos with similar topics to mine and see if any of their tags apply to my video too. Another method I like is to typing my video’s title or topic into Youtube’s search bar to see what terms it suggests I search for. Those can make great tags.


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