Sunday, February 12, 2017

I Need to Borrow Some Money to Get Out of Debt


Have you ever thought or said "I Need To Borrow Some Money To Get Out Of Debt"? Do you know why this is the wrong way to think if you ever want to get out of debt?

Let's break it down. How did you get into debt in the first place? You borrowed money, ran up credit cards, and bought things you did not need. So do you really think borrowing money is a great way to get out of debt?

The correct answer is no it is a horrible way to get out of debt. Most people that refinance their home or borrow money to pay off credit cards and other debts, just end up right back in debt again a year or two later.

This is not what you want, right? You want to get out of debt and stay out of debt. That is the plan and that is what you need to do. Follow this simple plan and you can help yourself get out of debt.

First, write down every single dime you spend. This will give you a great idea of ​​where your money is going and where you can make some cut backs. Maybe you spend way too much money going out to dinner when you could eat in more and save a couple hundred dollars each month.

Maybe you have a habit of buying things you really do not need just because they are on sale. Whatever it is that you do to spend all your hard earned money, when you track your spending you will find it and you will think about what you are spending money on.

Next, set up a budget for yourself that includes all your monthly expenses, some money for entertainment, savings, savings towards unexpected expenses, savings towards once a year expenses, and money to pay off your debts.

Do not forget about oil changes, hair cuts, and other things that we do not always think about. Make sure you save money too, because you never know when a car repair or other emergency will happen.

Last, have the discipline to stick to your budget and say no to others and yourself when you can not afford whatever it is. This is where you will either succeed or fail and when you succeed you will be one step closer to a debt free life.

Set up your plan and never again say "I Need To Borrow Some Money To Get Out Of Debt" because it is not the way to get out of debt and you do not need to borrow to get out of debt.


Source by Gressly Stevens

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