Saturday, February 11, 2017

Ideal Body Measurements For Women - Secrets to Get a Sexy Figure and Perfect Measurement Exposed


Women always try their best to look perfect. While they try to be perfect with everything in totality the game actually begins with your body. In case you have ideal body measurements for women the battle is almost half achieved. Actually the body measurements for women are determined on the basis of your height. The calculation of the ideal weight as per your height is known as body mass index (BMI). Further, the figure of a woman is defined as BWH (Bust, Waist, Hips).

As the experts say, even if you do not a perfect BWH ratio - in case you dress well & stay fit, you would surely mange to look pretty.

Here are some Secrets to Get Ideal Sexy Figure and Perfect Measurement:


You should take a balanced diet. Ideally one should have 6 short meals in the day and no 2 major meals. Also have your meals on time and never miss them. Besides, never eat when you are actually not hungry. This is one of the Secrets to Get Ideal Sexy Figure


· Do the exercises required to tone those portions of the body where you actually require it. Yoga & meditation serve a lot many beauty & health purposes.

· Body measurement for women might vary, but with a little effort one can manage to look fit & presentable.

You must avoid the following things while getting desired weight and complete body proportion that are ideal body measurements for women

· Alcohol & smoking are strictly not advisable. They pace up the aging process and add to your weight. They also damage the beauty of your skin.

· Avoid oily foods, rice, unsaturated fat, sodas, sugar & refined flour.

· Do not take proteins after the mid day. Always have a fiber rich meal.

· Replace your tea & coffee with green tea. Caffeine has several ill effects on your health.

· Replace all chemical oriented diet supplements with the natural & herbal options. Also make sure that you do not have these without the consultation of your physician.

Identify about Yourself

· Pick out your triggers that shoot up your weight. Work towards staying away from them. For instance, some people gain weight with carbohydrates. Then they must avoid them to get Ideal Body Measurements.

· Chart what you eat, how you have taken it and your health next day. It would help you check if you are allergic to any foods that you are looking for Ideal Body Measurements.


Source by Kate Willson

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