Sunday, February 12, 2017

Joining Professional Organizations - How it Can Add Value to Your Experience


In this down time, professionals, entry to executive level are searching for ways to gain additional experience and spruce up on other skills. People are considering expanding their education, gain additional licensures, and researching on certifications. These are all great feats and you wonder is that all I need to obtain?

Well, we all know that when the job markets start to resurrect itself, the competition is going to be fierce. It is highly fierce now, because of the layoffs and downsizing, and the amount of part-time jobs arising. So what can you do now to make sure you have an extra step ahead of every one else?

Consider joining an academic or work-related professional organization.

Professional Organizations gives you specific information on your field, future trends, and research articles that you can read for further career development. Organizations can also add to your network associations. These associations if used can provide references and job leads. This is important for seasoned professionals to know who's hiring or who will be in the near future.

Tips on Joining a Professional Organization:

1. Do join a professional organizations that is relevant to your professional experience or academic concentration.

2. Joining a professional organization just to put a name on a resume is useless, become active with your local chapter and/or region. This is how you build professional relationships and connections with your fellow colleagues.

3. Linked-In, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, and other social networking sites have "groups" that you can actually become a part of of. Join those groups to get special announcements or meetings information.

4. Most professional organizations have national or regional conferences that you can actually attend. If you are financially able, consider attending one of those conferences to meet others and increase your knowledge base. If money is not allowing you to go, depending how much you want to attend your conference, start a fundraiser! Sell candy, floral arrangements, or other knicknacks to get the funds you need...

So all in all, professional organizations gives you added points to your resume and qualifications. Consider joining maybe one or two. Joining too many can look very unprofessional and desperate. So be wise and budget your membership fees or dues because some can be rather costly. Many fields have their own sector of recommended professional organizations that are nationally recognized, check with your alumni associations, academic institution, or employer for a list of prominent organizations that would be beneficial for your professional growth.


Source by Jayna M Butler

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