Thursday, February 9, 2017

Live With Passion - Why Do You Need Passion?


Someone asked me the question recently - Why do you talk so much about passion?

First of all, it's because of my own experience.

When I was in university, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was told that I was to get a stable job that pays well, and I worked towards doing that.

Along the way, I found it hard to get motivated, and even when I tried my best and gave my all, often I still got mediocre results.

I believe that every single one of us desires greatness in our lives, and I know that you're no different. That's why it was frustrating for me going through my life like that, because I had that very same innate desire to be great at what I did.

When I first made the distinction that we're not blank slates to be programmed in any way we choose, and rather have predisposed talents and personal leanings that wire us to be great at certain things, I felt as though a whole different world was opened to me.

I began to recognise that I particularly enjoyed certain activities, and had a natural knack for picking up certain things much better and easier than others.

I left my old passionless life behind, and began to grow myself in the area of my passion and my talent. Because of this, I found that I got better results, and achieved this with considerably less effort and stress than I was used to putting in.

Initially, I thought that it was just me that went through this experience, but as I spoke to more people I realised that so many people go through life not knowing that they are meant to do what they love.

That's why I've made it my mission to share my journey and lessons of doing what I love with you, so that you would be inspired to do what you love too.


Source by Thad Bong

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