Friday, February 10, 2017

Lung Cancer Prognosis

Prognosis deals with predicting about the way a disease spreads and its possible outcomes. Prognosis includes chances of recovery from the disease too. These are two aspects for prognosis of any disease. When a patient approaches a doctor with symptoms of lung cancer, the patient is advised to go through some tests to confirm detection. After analyzing the test results, doctors are able to ascertain the stage to which cancer has reached. Every stage has a specified course of treatment.

There are many questions that come up during and after the prognosis. The patient would first like to know if the disease is curable. Cancer detected in early stages is usually curable. The third and fourth stage cancers are a major concern. If cancer has grown to other parts of the body it almost is incurable. There is however a chance to increase life expectancy, if detected in early stages. Doctors informs their patient abut the stage cancer has reached and whether it is life threatening. The treatment is a long process with radiation or chemotherapy as part of treatment. Prognosis continues to change at every stage of treatment.

Doctors generally inform their patient about possible complications during course of treatment. They also inform patients about treatment required for such complications. Doctors also communicate the survival chances to the patient if necessary. The severity of the disease and possible time frame for treatment has to be considered by the patient.

Many of lung cancer centers have an in house support groups to help patients cope up with the disease. They also help them by counseling on their individual cases and explaining exact outcome of the disease.

It is advisable to remember that prognosis is just a prediction and can change during the course of treatment. Doctors inform patients about the stage and treatment of the disease to help them deal with it and be prepared for all eventualities.

Source by Steve Valentino

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