Monday, February 6, 2017

My Experience On Mesothelioma

I do not know if anyone out there had any experience with mesothelioma. Up until September 2004 i had never even heard of the word Mesothelioma or even know how to pronounce it. My uncle had lead a healthy and active lifestyle, he would do anything for his Family. My uncle works for asbestos company till early 90s.

Then September 2004 my uncle started complaining of flu like symptoms which at the time was fatigue, coughing, lethargic, light headaceness and loss of weight. He eventually went to the doctors 3 weeks later. The doctor sent my uncle for chest x-ray. which showed he had fluid on the left lung. They drained a bit of fluid from his lung and did various test which come back as inconclusive. Then they decided to do a biopsy of the lung. Which came back as the diagnosis of Mesothelioma. I was sat with my uncle when the specialist told my uncle the diagnosis.

When he was explaining how he had contracted it and what would happen from that point, i felt numb and could not take in what the specialist was saying. I did everything to read up on Mesothelioma so i knew what i was expected. My heart sank when i read it was terminal and there was nothing that could be done. My uncle was diagnosed in the November and he went down ill very rapid. He had become bed bound in a matter of 2 months and was barely eating and had lost 3 stone in weight. He was very thin and weak. The doctors did not give us a time span, but in February this year 2007 he passed away.

Now our family is in court for the compensation for asbestos exposer which is the main cause of mesothelioma. Our law farm is working hardly so we are expecting for compensation still its about 3 year passed.

I hope that my experience can help some one. Please if there is anyone who wants to talk about it, or going through it themselves please feel free to get in touch!

Source by Ramesh Malla

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