Thursday, February 9, 2017

Nches Iredu, A Woman of Extraordinary Faith!

Rev. (Mrs.) Nches V.N. Iredu is a Nigerian who grew up in a typical loving and stable home. She gave her life to Jesus at a very tender age, before then, she lived a very decent life. Rev. Mrs Nches Iredu is the President of Sisters Fellowship International which has a commission and mandate from God to impact the whole Nation with the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for a purposeful and fulfilled life on earth and with great vision to see that the whole earth is filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. This amiable woman is an instrument in God's hand. She encountered humiliation that turned out to be a stepping-stone to her ministry.

She loved God and got born again very early in life. She got married at a ripe age but had a problem of primary infertility for a period of eight (8) years. But in all, her great love for God was not deterred in any way. She never got offended in God; neither did she go about crying and complaining about her problem. Rather, she sought God's face and settled it once and for all with God. With her mind at peace, she went on serving the Lord with all her heart.

In the cause of time, she left Nigeria and went to the University of Birmingham and University of Hull, United Kingdom to get her first and second degrees respectively. She asked "why do people worry so much for not having children? Is it not to see somebody who will hold them by their dress and call them mummy, then take care of them at their old age? "My God" she continued "I have loved you so much and still love you even to death, even if you do not give me physical children, I will continue to love you. One thing I pray you, Lord, don't deny me spiritual children, I will move about from UK, to Czechoslovakia, U.S.A, Ghana, Canada and all over the world spreading the gospel. Please lord, do not deny me this. Cause these souls I will win for you to love you and also love me too and call me Mummy."

Being a lover of God, she maintained a steadfast and faithful relationship with God. She joined a small group of very serious Christians who equally loved God and fervently served Him. This group of Christians worshiped the Lord in Spirit and in truth.

A time came in that fellowship when they decided to pray for their various individual needs. They were taking the prayer requests in turns. When it came to her turn to voice out her request like the others, she began to sing a song thus "I have a God who never fails forevermore." As she was singing the song, the whole atmosphere got charged with the presence of God. Immediately the Lord began to speak and said: "My daughter, I have heard your cry, about this time next year, you will carry a baby boy."

The Lord kept His promise and from that time she never ceased appreciating God for answered prayers. Each time she looked at herself in the course of the pregnancy, tears of appreciation fill her eyes. She didn't mind if she was out shopping, in school, alone in her room or anywhere. Eventually, she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, just as the Lord has spoken.

Another time in the same fellowship, a call was made for people to come out in turns to testify of the Lord's goodness in their lives, she came out with a song "how great thou art." While she was in deep appreciation, the same incident that happened before, repeated itself, the whole atmosphere changed and was charged with the manifested presence of God; then God began to speak: "my daughter, because you have appreciated me so much, you are yet to see my blessings, about this time next year you will carry another baby; I will use you to meet the needs of other women in similar situations. As you pray for them, they shall conceive. People will hear your message and have a close relationship with me. I will use you to heal broken homes; you shall teach men and women ways of having blissful marriage and lasting peace in their homes. I will use you to train young ladies the righteous way so they can also have blessed and blissful married lives. I will use you to impact lives positively and meaningfully." Today she is blessed with four (4) biological, children and so many spiritual children all over the world. She is happily married, a wife of only one husband who is very supportive and is of great encouragement to her ministry.

Few years later she came back to Nigeria where she started working in a school and began a fellowship for the staff during break period which she called staff fellowship; she invited the teachers of the school to the fellowship and taught them the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The fellowship grew so much that they started meeting after school. People came with their neighbours and friends. As the fellowship grew, many women joined, the name was changed from staff fellowship to Sisters fellowship. With the rapid growth of members to 300 women the chapters spread all over. Today, she has impacted lives of so many women through the Sisters fellowship chapters in Enugu, Benin, Nasarawa, Aba, Umuahia, Port Harcourt, South Africa, Cote d'Voire, Ghana, Togo, Benin Republic, Cameroun, America, London and other countries. She is committed to bringing souls to the kingdom of God. She also organizes couple dinners. She has written books such as Marriage Could Be Exciting and Cry No More.

She believes women are character molders and have influence in the family. She and her group have visited women in the prisons and sent them daily devotions and beverages. She built her ministry on love and extended same to motherless babies' homes, old peoples' homes and widows, the blind and the destitute are not left out; she equally gives them food and clothing alongside the gospel of peace.

Rev. Iredu is a decent woman who believes in modesty when it comes to dressing! She encourages women especially married women to dress in a way that glorify and beautify God in them and others. She is really a woman of influence who has inspired so many women to living lives of accomplishment.

Her story and testimony is still affecting millions of people around the world positively; what the devil brought as a set-back for her fuelled her passion and love for God. Woman, are you hurting? Are you discouraged? Are you pained? Have you been called names because of your situation? Cheer up, for joy comes in the morning! This is the morning of your life so get up, dust your skirt and run your race through Christ who strengthens you!

Copyright, Jaachynma Agu

Source by Jaachynma Agu

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