Saturday, February 11, 2017

P90x Sucks - This Group Had Bad P90x Results


The first time I did P90x, a group of people wanted to do it with me. I'll tell you right now that not everyone had success with it. Some had success and got a whole lot healthier, stronger, fitter and also lost several pounds. However, the rest benefited little and had no results to show when the program was over. At the end of it there seemed to be a split. One side thought the program was awesome, while the other side was saying, "P90x sucks!".

What was the defining differences between the group that failed and the two that had success? There were several. The first difference was that the group that had no success complained, a lot. They complained about eating healthy, they fussed about the workouts, they whined whenever an exercise made them uncomfortable. Let me tell you right now, P90x and exercise in general is uncomfortable! They were negative about the whole program in general. They started of excited, but as soon as things got tough (as in, just after the first workout started), it was as if they were trying to talk themselves out of doing the workouts and sabotage transforming their body and changing their life for the better.

There is a reason they put the Nutrition Plan book in the program! Many people ask, "Do I have to follow the P90x Nutrition Plan?" My response is yes! If you are serious about getting results, then you need to eat healthier! The group that failed didn't follow the Nutrition Plan. They rationalized that the bacon, cookies, sugar loaded cereal, white bread, ice cream, and the rest of the junk they so often ate didn't need to be removed. These people honestly thought that because they ate "home cooked food", they were eating healthy. Granted, any outsider would soon realize after seeing their "home cooked" bacon, chicken, and mayonnaise sandwiches, that these people were out of their minds thinking that what they were eating was "healthy home cooking"!

Fail to do the workouts, and you'll fail to see change! The group that failed didn't do Yoga X. They never made it through a single Yoga X workout. That particular workout is an hour and a half long, and they opted to not do it because it was "too hard and too long". They also opted to not follow any set time to do the workouts. They would put off doing the workouts until late at night, when they would then say aloud, "I'm too tired to do a workout." They missed many workouts, and on average would only do about 2-3 workouts a week, which pretty much meant they did less than half of the program.

If you want to fail, do what the above group did, because none of them got anything out of it. They complained, were negative, and were constantly trying to sabotage their own attempt to transform their body and their life. They continued to eat unhealthy, and they only did less than half of the workouts in the program. At the end of it they thought P90x sucked, when in reality, their failure was 100% their own fault.


Source by Marcus Liberty

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