Sunday, February 12, 2017

Stock Broker Jobs in Texas - You Need to Be Registered


Being a stock broker can be a lot of fun. Being a certified stock broker can mean a lot of money too. Having a great salary and a lot of fun are the hallmarks of a great career and a rewarding life. But, what does it take to be certified as a stock broker in Texas, where everything is bigger and everything is more fun?

Well, the first and foremost thing to do to become a certified and registered stock broker in Texas is to obtain a degree from an accredited school for accounting and investing. Such an education is a great start to any investing field. The next thing is to register with the Texas State Securities Board. Registration with the Texas State Securities Board is mandatory for those stock brokers who are looking to do business in the state of Texas.

The Texas State Securities Board has several requirements that must be met in order for one to register as a broker with them. These requirements include that the individual undergoes an extensive background check. This is to ensure that the individual is going to invest the money wisely and with the best interests of the investors. This is also to ensure that theft is less likely by the broker. There is also a test on the different laws for the state that must be passed. This test is to prove that one has indeed gone to school and knows the laws of the state before trading can begin. The final hurtle is to agree to disclose the records and information in a timely and organized manner when it is requested. This is to ensure that the broker is indeed investing the money, rather than pocketing the money.

Once these requirements are met, a stock broker is registered and can begin to invest money into the stock market as a registered and certified stock broker. As a registered and certified stock broker in Texas, one is able to register and become certified in other states without the renewal and the registration fee being paid for each state. This is a great help for those stock brokers who do business in more than one state or for those businesses that have branches in more than one state. The fees themselves tend to be fairly high with the initial registration being $ 275 for an individual and a yearly renewal fee of $ 270.


Source by Rita Henry

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