Sunday, February 12, 2017

When You Promote Others, You Actually Promote Yourself


Most people focus so much on themselves that they neglect the true meaning and philosophy of networking. Chances are they hardly receive any referrals and wonder why they aren't having any real success from all the networking they do. I hear it all the time that it takes too long to get any business or it costs too much or no one has any connections for them. The truth is they are totally naive and have no idea why this is happening to them.

In my experience, the people that spend time sending business to others are also the same people that promote one another. They go out of their way to tell people they know all about the other person. These free marketing agents turn out to be highly successful themselves and reap the rewards by receiving tons of referrals.

There are a variety of reasons why this happens especially if you believe the more you give, the more you receive. Just ask my friend Bob Burg, co-author of "The Go-Giver" who shares my own personal cardinal rule, "Always Give Without Expectation".

Another reason (that's not so obvious) is by promoting others, you are ultimately being seen and occasionally being asked about your own business. It always feels better to put the spotlight on someone you would recommend or endorse.

I challenge you to give this a try and put it into action this week. Find 3 people you do business with currently and promote them to a few of your friends. Even if you currently don't do any business together but believe in them and want to see them successful, see what happens. You might just be pleasantly surprised!


Source by Darlene Willman

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