Monday, February 6, 2017

Why Valentines Day Is Celebrated?

Valentine's Day is no doubt one of the most popular days that are celebrated all over the world. Globally, people plan different and unique ways to celebrate and surprise their loved ones on this very special occasion making them feel special day by expressing their love for them through different ways like small gifts, cards, parties, any small trip to any special place and much more. There are so many people who celebrate Valentines Day but are not aware with the story behind celebrating this day of love.

There are different stories that people have associated with the Valentines Day's celebration. Though it is quite obvious that the real man behind this holiday is St. Valentine. As per one of the stories associated with the celebration of Valentines Day is that this is the day when St. Valentine died in his jail confinement. Before his death St. Valentine had wrote a letter to a girl whom he loved very much. He ended up his letter with his last wordings that is "From Your Valentine" along with his signature. After his death considering him a true lover, lover all over the world have adopted this expression as a way of expressing their deep love to their loved ones. Today, all over the world use these wordings on cards and also on gift cards. This means that you are relating your deep love for your girlfriend or boy friend with the historical love of St. Valentines for his girl.

According to one another legend contends it is stated that the Valentine was a priest in Rome and he served during the third century during the rule of Emperor Claudius II. When the Emperor announced that no single men is allowed to get married as he believes that in order to get better soldiers for the security of the country it is important to keep all the young men in the country single so that they do not have wives and families that can distract their attention from their responsibilities and duty. In result St. Valentine raised his voice against Emperor Claudius II as he thought that his decision to outlawed marriage for young men is injustice of the decree. Deifying Claudius, secretly St. Valentine continued to perform marriages for young lovers. After sometime when Claudius gets to know about Valentine's actions, he ordered to kill Valentines.

There are some who believe that the Valentine's Day is celebrated in the middle of the February to commemorate the death anniversary of Valentine's that was occurred in around 270 AD According to their believe St. Valentine sacrificed a lot for the sake of love even his life therefore, today they celebrate Valentines Day to remember the sacrifice of St. Valentine for love and express their deep love for them in a special way.

Since, people ages old Appearances are On celebrating Valentines Day with a great respect in heart and love all over the world. This day is also considered as the day of love and young couples globally celebrate this day with a great passion by coming up with different ideas to celebrations of the day. There are different specially designed gifts and cards available in the market that people use commonly to express their love to their loved ones in a special way.

Source by Sherry Khan

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