Saturday, February 4, 2017

Women Over 50 - Why Weight Loss?


Women over 50 have several reasons for wanting to lose weight. Look at this list to see if you fit in one of these situations.

Women over 50 want to be healthier. After eighteen years of neglecting yourself because of the children, it is now time to pay attention to your own health status. While the children were young and growing up, you paid very little attention to yourself and your health. Your full focus was on the well being of the kids.

Women over 50 feel they don't look as good as they did before they reached the age of 50. You want to lose weight in hopes of looking better - to be more attractive. After bearing children, you feel that your body has gotten out of shape and that you look so much different than you did before age 50.

Women over 50 feel the loss of energy. You want to lose weight focusing on your energy level. You feel tired all of the time and most mornings you have to push yourself to get out of bed. All of your energy is drained. After years of raising children, you feel that all of your energy is gone by the wayside.

The above three reasons women over 50 want to lose weight are not the only reasons but these are the most prevalent. Whatever your reasons for losing weight, you must remember three important factors.

Number one; you should never begin a weight loss program without consulting your physician. It is very unwise to begin a diet program without knowing if you have any health issues that might hinder your success or make your health status any worse.

Number two; your diet program should be realistic and healthy. Make sure that your weight loss goal is one you can adhere to. Making unrealistic weight loss goals will lead to failure and a plan of off and on weight program. If you fail on one weight loss program, you will look for another and if you fail on the next one, you will look for another. This could go on for quite a while until you finally realize none of the programs you choose will work for you.

Number three; your weight loss program should not be one of the commercialized fad diets that promise quick weight loss. There are no successful quick weight loss programs. These types of diet programs give you a false sense of weight loss when all you have lost is fluid. Once you begin your fluid intake, the weight you thought you lost will resurface and possibly with more pounds than you initially had.

In essence, women over 50 should be very careful before emerging on a weight loss program for whatever the reason. Most importantly, we have to be cognizant of the fact that the weight has had many years to accumulate and it is not going to disappear overnight.


Source by Mary Mason-Shields

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