Saturday, February 11, 2017

Zero Loss Forex Trading - Here's a Sure-Fire Way to Win Every Trade


Is it Possible To Trade Forex Without Taking Any Losses?

Theoretically, yes, it is possible. But we don't trade in theories, right? Forex trading is a reality. So is the Zero Loss Forex trading system.

So how can the Zero Loss Forex trading system make the claim to have a secret method of trading that GUARANTEES that you will not lose any trades? Not a single one?

Let's explore this some. Ok, really. Yes, it is possible to never lose any trades in forex trading. This is a fact. but what does it take to do that? Extreme patience. Nerves of steel. Massive discipline and deep pockets.

Here's one way it can be done and this is not the way Zero Loss Forex trading system does it.

The nature of the forex markets is that it always goes up and down. It never goes in one direction forever. Well, that's really true of any market. So theoretically, what you can do is wait for a historical bottom or top in prices and place a forex trade in the opposite direction of the market. This can take a long time to develop so you must have the patience of a saint! Of course, no one is ever sure that the market has reached a top or a bottom and will not go much further. In fact, many times it does extend further once a barrier has been breached.

But one thing is absolutely for sure. At some point, it will reverse and go back down or back up. And if you place a trade at or near the top or bottom of the current market and wait, you will be rewarded with a winning trade. No doubt. In forex trading, the problem lies in those factors mentioned before: patience, discipline, nerves of steel and a pocketbook to match.

Forex trading is a highly leveraged. So in order to maintain that trade while it is going against you and waiting for it to turn, you must be able to withstand the losses and the have enough funds to cover the margin. Or else you get knocked out of your trade before it turns. And it seems most of the time that as soon as you get knocked out, that's when it turns! Talk about anguish!

But if you can do this, you can bank on eventually winning the trade and taking home the money.

Ok, so that is how you can always guarantee a winning trade. 100% of the time!

The question here is how can it be done on a more regular basis and not have to wait and wait and wait for the right circumstances to appear?

Zero Loss Forex Trading system has the answer!

You see, another historically true fact in the forex markets and also in most all commodities markets is something called seasonality. Seasonality simply is a way to say that markets behave in a very predictable way certain times of the year. Always.

This term applies mostly to commodities. Zero Loss Forex trading system takes this fact and applies it to the forex markets. Forex markets of course are not seasonal by nature. They don't depend on the weather and time of year like crops and cattle do. Forex markets operate 24/7 almost 365 days a year.

But what the Zero Loss Forex trading system has found is a repetitive trade that occurs very frequently and when it appears, if you know what to do and when exactly to do it, you can take advantage of the setup and be sure to always have a winning trade. It's like clockwork. You can bank on it!


Source by Markus Gee

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