Tuesday, April 11, 2017

4 Free Internet Advertising Techniques That Actually Work


In today's age with the internet and the free internet advertising techniques that are available to you, many people have started and continue to use these techniques to promote their products. In years past with fewer people marketing online and the cumbersome programs that required a degree in computer science to run a nice website was enough. With newventions of friendlier computer software and improvements of the internet a young child could start and maintain a website within minutes. With all these enhancements to our technology brings more competition to obtain highly targeted visitors to our websites, and without visitors to our websites, we do not complete sales. We all know that we want to advertise online, but with all the competition how can we leverage free internet advertising techniques? Below area four techniques that not only have I used personally but many top marketers like me have also.

Video Marketing

Video Marketing is a free internet advertising technique that allows you to use a camera or camcorder to record a quick 2-5 minute video and upload to many sharing sites. One of the most popular sharing sites is YouTube which is owned by the largest Search engine in the world, Google. The great thing about Video Marketing is that many people can not only see you as a person, hear your message but also they can "feel" your sincerity. You also have the ability to add a website link to the video or in the resource box below the video, this link then sends the viewer to a site were you sell your products or services. Just make sure the site that you send the viewer to is relevant to the video that they just watched or otherwise they will probably leave.

Article Submission Sites

Article Submission has been around for a very long time, and has become a very power and free internet advertising technique that many marketers business has been built on. With article marketing you are writing an article (similar to this one) on a certain topic or niche that you have done some homework on. You will want to keep the article anywhere from 500-750 words and have a good title, good information and a good call to action at the end. Upon the completion of writing your article you then have the ability to submit the article to hundreds of different sites that will accept them for free. With the article on their site, it will bring more readers and there will be a link to your site that you want a reader to go to. Another great feature of article marketing, you have the ability to insert links inside the article to other content that you may have published online or even your blog to strengthen your expertise on the topic you are writing about.

Forum Posts

There are thousands upon thousands of forums online and new ones surfacing ever day. With forum posting you will want to find a forum that really is relevant to the website you are trying to promote and then become a member of that forum. Becoming a member of the forum not only allows you to talk and meet new people but also allows you to post your own content based on the topic and a link back to additional information on your site. At the end of every post that you make, your name will appear and you will start becoming an expert in their eyes, which in turn drives more traffic to your site.

Blogging and Comments

Starting your own blog is very cheap; The cost of the website and a few other things could cost as little as 25 dollars. Many blogs are started and maintained by a program called Word Press which has become a very user friendly tool to many people all over the world. Blogs have always and still continue to carry a very special place in the eyes of search engines. With blogs, they can be customized to your wildest dreams, add videos, write content and many more things. If you are considering starting a blog, then just do it, it is really easy, I would suggest finding a Social Media Tribe that allows you to mastermind and comment on each other's blogs. Comments on a blog show traffic, and a diversity of people all over the globe, which joins the search engines which start indexing and providing more traffic to your site.


Source by Robert David Strong

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