Sunday, April 9, 2017

Clue for How to Find Love When Hard To Love


Why are we aware that love cannot be truly be made? Even the ego in us which finds it hard to love and asks how to find love. Love has always been and always will be--and its purpose is to create.

Miracles teach us that our individual death seems more valuable than our living oneness, for what is given us is not so dear as what we made. This is merely the miracle attempting to open our eyes.

With this acceptance, here's what you can do. Go ahead, right now, and with all that love that is in you, take any and all suffering you have incurred, and the hatred you are confronted with, or possess in yourself, even your thoughts of hard to love, and bring it to the altar in your right-mind for the Holy Spirit to view.

Your success in love is necessary for the whole Child of God to awaken from a dream of sort that we are separate from the love of our all loving Father.

The ego covers its face when it sees us trying to "make love," and discourages the sight of any such love. Love was given to us to be shared and not earned. What is shared will extend, and what extends becomes one and potential is maximized.

Being One with your dreams

There are no specially designed sets of plans on how to create through love. It's lessons on how to find love really get us nowhere.

Doesn't it seem as though we are more afraid of love than we are of the ego? The point here is that love can not enter us where it's not welcome and this is why it's hard to love. Hatred can, and will force its way, not caring at all for the real you.

This does not require that you get on your knees for any length of time, nor do you need to light special candles, blow on a special horn, nor do you need to have special beads, water, or oils. Not a single ceremony or ritual is required.

Hard to love, perhaps, because it's easy for us to accept the insanity of the ego mind which is filled with fear, doubt, and judgement. We find it difficult to give and accept love, because we were taught to "make" instead of "create"-- which is true extension of inner Self.

You certainly do care for yourself, however; and since the Holy Spirit is in you, He certainly cares for you.

He wants your part to be fulfilled.

Picture yourself standing there, as one with Him, regarding all that sits before this Oneness. Ask that this mess be cleared away, and brought back as something great.

Simply take a few short, honest moments, with straight talk or even merely a thought; and know in your heart that your plea is backed up with the truth and love that you were created from. He is your Guide, and He will help you as your Friend see that the idea of hard to love is merely an illusion you made up.

God doesn't punish us, because this would be punishing ourselves. Your own separated thought, which you made and continue to dream of, believes in the world's own separated thought. You simply demanded that it happen.

Your demands brought the thought forward.

The Holy Spirit wants you to complete your part in the Atonement-- which is awakening within the One Mind of Creation, which is, all Love. Since we are one and whole there can be nothing else, unless you remain stuck in the dream of separation.

It all happens within you. You are the Idea of His Thought where it is not hard to love, therefore His Thought is you. This One Thought that you are did not make all the suffering in your world.

Remember that your call for help through the Universal Healer, within you, which is connected to God, is not a call to a location out there. That place outside of you can only offer an idol to praise.

Be what is within you.

God does not need praising, because He has no ego that needs stroking. Whenever you find yourself clinging to hatred rather than love, or feeling love as a form of weakness, use the following words in the form of a prayer:

This one and whole truth can never be of weakness. It makes me strong.

Remember, hidden beneath all the grandiosity the world has praised you for, or even stomped on you for, making it hard to love, is your real call for help.

To love in your life


Source by James Nussbaumer

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