Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How To Act Like a Wife, Yet Think Like a Mistress


The battle of the wife and the mistress has been one cooked for centuries. We have come to know the mistress as a woman with no regard to anyone's feelings or any morals. She waits to find unsuspecting husbands who are weak to her sexual advances. She then attacks him with her sweet smile and sexy style leaving him helpless without wanting more. The wife, innocent and naive, never sees it coming. OK maybe that was a way over the top description but that what most people think a mistress is. What may shock you is that a wife can actually learn a few things from a mistress and a mistress should know some things about a wife.

I asked a few men who were brave enough to admit from their affairs what made them want to find another woman and the answers seem to be the same. They wanted a woman to admire them and make them feel needed. They liked the fact that she would notice the little things that he would do. A mistress has a way of playing up the fact that she loves the man he is now, instead of the man he used to be. The wife on the other hand has the memories of a better man than what he is today and longs to have him back. A man wants someone to accept him at all stages of his life. His past, present, and his future. The mistress has the advantage of getting to play up on loving all his good ... but she also has a disadvantage.

The wife has put in the time, effort, and sweat to be able to hold such a coveted title. She knows him inside and out, something the mistress does not have. The wife will always come first when the husband wants to admit it. The wife takes care of him in a way the mistress can not. She has put in more time nurturing him and not only that she has his kids. He can take the wife around friends and family and not worry about if she is going to be inappropriate or embarrass him. Not to say a mistress can not carry herself like a wife ... but in most cases she is only for a good time and not for all the time. The mistress is there to stroke his ego. The wife is there to help carry some of the load of having a family. The mistress is who you complain to. The wife is who you tell your secrets to. The mistress offers fantasy while the wife is reality. So how can you act like a wife, think like a mistress?

You need to make your home a comfort from the storm of life. The mistress does not yell at him for not taking out the trash or remember him of bills that he already knows that are due. Be his biggest cheerleader. He should be able to know that no matter how small the accomplishment make sure to acknowledge it and not follow it up with something he is not doing. It's funny on a sitcom to do that but not in real life. The mistress knows to make the man feel good at all times. Keep yourself looking nice. That does not mean you have to be certain "type" since he fell in love with you. Yet that does not give you an excuse to buy all things with drawstring and elastic waistbands. The mistress always looks her best when she is with her man no matter what is going on in her personal life. You are not his warden nor school teacher so correcting your husband and nagging him is definitely a no! The mistress is great at making each moment they are together sweet and drama free. Take these tips and watch your marriage do a 180. You Can Be everything he needs!

Become your husband's mistress and give one less "other woman" a fighting chance to attack your relationship.


Source by Nikki True

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