Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How To Improve Memory - Three Basic Steps


If you want to know how to improve memory, you must first start with a good diet and a mentally active lifestyle. As you age, the synapses of the brain, which are brain connections, need constant mental stimulation to maintain their ability. So, even though you are highly educated, you still need to enroll for a course or learn a new skill to keep your brain in working condition over the years. This includes your memory.

The Most Effective Technique to Improve Memory

Wish to remember almost anything in this world? Use the fundamental technique on how to improve memory by Dr. Gary Small, who is the professor of psychiatry and bio-behavioral sciences at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. He is also the director of the Memory & Aging Research Center, University of California, Los Angeles.

Dr. Gary Small calls the technique "LOOK, SNAP, CONNECT." It consist of three basic steps to remember anything:

* LOOK: you need to completely focus on the thing to remember. Look at it with full concentration.
* SNAP: visualize the thing. If it's a name, create mental images associated with it. Relate the face to the name.
* CONNECT: create more images related to the face so that whenever your eyes encounter this name, your brain gets the signal and it, at once, starts recalling the images. You then remember what name it is.

Creating Visuals for Better Memory Management

One of the most common questions of the modern generation is "how to improve memory?" Thanks to the unhealthy lifestyle, calculators, other gadgets, and jobs that require mechanical tasks, people hardly challenge their brain which leads to the rotting of their gray cells.

The above-mentioned technique by Dr. Gary Small is highly effective because it requires you to put in efforts to remember something. You need to make your brain work. For example, in the SNAP step, you wish to remember a person's face. Check out the distinguishing feature of the face. Does the person have a long nose or big eyes or weird hairstyle? Unusual features are easy to remember.

For remembering a name, you can associate it with something bizarre or something that is most familiar with you, although the former works better. The more outrageous something, the better the brain can remember. For example, for recalling the name "Mr. Brown", you can visualize freshly baked brown cookies! For Mr. Bill, how about remembering crispy hundred dollar bills in your hand?

You must remember Dr. Gary Small's name, as he has given us a truly effective technique on how to improve memory! Convert GARY to GRAY and associate it with "small gray cells of the brain" - you're hardly forget his name when it comes to memory training!

There are websites that provide cognitive training, mental exercises and games, and audio and interactive sessions to sharpen your recall ability. Scientists all over the world are busy providing new researches on how to improve memory as we grow older. Till any breakthrough pill or device is invented, continue to workout your brain through the various techniques and exercises available.


Source by Ina Clayton

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