Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How to Send Traffic to Your Website 2 - Paid Methods








3.1 Social Media

3.2 Build Email List

3.3 Start a self-hosted Website or Blog

3.4 Pay Per Click - AdSense

3.5 Google AdWords

3.6 Advanced Content Marketing Strategy

3.7 Host a Free Seminar and Sell Your Product

3.8 Copy Other Marketers





I am going to outline over six paid methods of getting traffic to your website where you are selling your product.

The website may be a full website, or just a blog, or even a third party website (in which case the company and their affiliates selling your product will do the job for you in their own ways which may or may not include those on discussion here.


  1. To discuss the effective paid methods to generate traffic to your website or blog.

  2. To point out where to start spending your ads budget on paid methods as a beginner.

  3. To provide useful resources (links) to help learners catch on as fast as possible


There actually so many ways of driving traffic which can never be exhausted in our discussion in one chapter. Besides, more new ways are even cropping up almost on a daily basis.

However, one thing is certain, wherever you loaded your product for sell, you will need streams of traffic to appraise your product for possible purchases.

Some of these methods are fast and easy but others will take sometimes to yield returns but you need to apply all of them in your short- and long-term profit planning strategy.

You may also have to experiment on them one after the other to decide which ones are effective in the market niche of your choice.

As stated in the last chapter, it may be after you have made enough cash with the free methods that you may decide to scale up your business using these paid methods. You may also decide to go on the fast lane to success.

Then go ahead with them ab initio if you have a good budget and want a breakthrough as soon as possible.

But until you master them, I have a word of caution here for you.

Take them one after the other, master each one very well before you go on to the next. That way, you won't burn out your cash too fast without meaningful returns on your investment.

The following are places that you can spend your advertising dollars with good monetary returns.

3.1 Social Media

  1. Facebook

  2. Instagram

  3. Twitter

  4. YouTube

All the above listed social media have paid as well as free versions of advertising. The good thing about them is that they can be relatively cheaper as well as very effective in terms of returns on investment of the advertising dollars.

Facebook for instance can bring unlimited traffic even for as low as $0.01 cents. And it is very easy to use it.

Browse for FACEBOOK ADS AUTHORITY, learn how to set it up and apply it in your business and you will see steady hike in profits from month to month in your business.

3.2 Build Email List

Frankly speaking, if you are a marketer without an email list you are running a hobby, you are not jet in business.

Well, you can make some money here and there from time to time, but if you want to have steady stream of income from your online business that will give you a decent living, please set up your mailing list as soon as possible. By now, it goes without saying that, money is in the list, I am sure you have heard this many times before.

3.3 Start a self-hosted Website or Blog

By now it must be clear from our discussion that if you have your own product to sale online, it is better to utilize a multi-prong approach to marketing it online.

This means even though you set it up on a 3rd-party website for sell, you should also set up at another website where you are in control of everything. This is a good idea as the other website may de-list your product at any time with or without giving you notice or even explanations.

But at your own website you can set you terms and conditions to suit you, use multi-approach to marketing like OTO, Downsell or Upsell to suit your business whims and caprices. Blogging about your product also provides other streams of income and independent avenues to discuss with your clients. This will provide useful inputs for the revised version of the product.

3.4 Pay Per Click - AdSense

One of the best ways to drive targeted traffic to your website is by using Google Search Console to submit your URLs. This is an insane way to drive traffic to your website.

It is an insane way because instead of you paying for the traffic, the traffic will be paying to you. Google AdSense when used correctly in this manner, though a free tool, will work inversely to pay you for the traffic that comes to visit your page instead of you paying for it.

See this article and the accompanying links to learn how to set it up correctly for it to bring paying traffic to your website to see your product:

Google 'Clicks and Impressions Tips to increase traffic to your website' may also be useful in a way if you care.

3.5 Google AdWords

This is the science of internet marketing advertisement. The method is precision-proven in that it can work in any market niche and in online or offline business.

Perry Marshall is the number one global renowned teacher of this subject you can Google for his free video if you want to know more.

3.6 Advanced Content Marketing Strategy

Your content marketing strategy should go beyond free ezines that you are using to submit articles with your review page links and a resource box.

At the professional level, you should be doing serious things such as discussed in this article, and those cited herein.

Kissmetrics also share some insights on '17 Advanced Methods For Sharing Your New Piece of Content'

3.7 Host a Free Seminar and Sell Your Product

This is the apex of internet marketing and whatever the marketing approach you are using, aim at finally landing at this topmost method, gotomeeting is one of the easiest to use platform.

It is a paid platform, but it also comes with initial 30-days free trial period. You can check online for other platforms.

Though the seminar is meant to be free for attendants, there is nothing that stops you from marketing one or two, usually, the high-end product in your marketing funnel.

Seek some guide if you are not a techie. This approach to marketing can be quite rewarding.

3.8 Copy Other Marketers

One of the beauty of internet business is that trends changes often and can be very swift. The few marketers to learn the new tricks early always benefit immensely. So always keep your fingers crossed and peep from time to time to see what others, particularly, the Masters, are doing in the marketplace.

Sell your products and run your website or blog the way others are doing and you won't be left behind. The easiest way to do this is to join other peoples' list, forum, even membership sites where they spill the beans in this business.

This way you can adopt their own approach while also adding your own twixt, specialty and talent to make your methods unique.


The taste of the pudding, they say, is in the tasting. After implementing these simple but powerful methods to rake in profits into your bank account, you are now ready to take your business to the next level - which is Automation.


I carefully decided to outline only these few methods of driving traffic for a good reason: to avoid Information Overload.

As you set out to practice them you will see how powerful these methods are in jumpstarting your business. In fact, you do not need gazillion ways to drive traffic to your website in order to make your business profitable.

Just take one method at a time, master it and then proceed to the next one. You will soon realize from your practical experience that one or two methods are enough to build your business to a profitable level.


Start with Facebook. Learn how to use Facebook Ads Manager to promote your business.


Source by David Udofort

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