Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Influence of Society in Marriage


Marriage can not be separated from the society. Society will always influence the marriage institution. When Greece emerged as a worldwide empire, the family was affected. Whenever an empire rises up, the thoughts, the culture, and the practices of the ruling empire normally affects the lifestyle of its empire. For example when the British Empire came to some parts of Africa, the life and the ideals of British people filtered into the African society. And so, Greek thoughts and ways of marriage also affected the family as an institution. Apart from Greek culture, Roman culture also influenced the society's few of the family.

We need to know all these because sometimes, too, the culture around us affects us very much. Often times, what we do as believers are dictated by the society. The culture and ideals of the Greek, who were mainly philosophers, affected marriages of their time. The culture the culture and thoughts of the roman affected all those who live within the territories of what constituted the then Roman empire.

We also have influences today. We have observed and we have grown within the system of marriage that is prevalent in our communities. Many of us have never sat down to think about the influence of the societal ideals and culture on our views on the family. Somehow we have accepted the Practice and views of people around us as the ideal. Thus we have tried to pattern our families and marriage after the dictates of the society. Those of us who have gone to school to school have been affected by the philosophy of the writer. When you study literature for example, you are studying the culture of a particular society at a particular time. Shakespeare's, for example, reflects societal philosophy in his writings. Philosophy, being a way of life, can be subtly passed to you. When you read Shakespeare's plays as well as other literature books you're you are not just being entertained, you are being influenced.

Many marriages have also crumbled because we have idolized the media. It goes without saying that the media exerted an unwholesome influence on the family. A lot of people have foolishly swallowed whatever the media has projected hook, line and sinker. It is unfortunate however that media practitioner know that they are only actors and performers. They have never intended that we make all that they try to project our way of life. The print and the electronic media have been elevated at the expense of the family. A good proportion of what goes on , on television is nothing but mere entertainment.


Source by Seyi Arigbabowo

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