Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Brutal Reality of the Last Days and the Ones Behind It


We are in the time of the last days when the Spirit of the Universe, the Great Creator, promised that the world as we know it will come to an end. To bring it to this point the 2 beasts of Revelation have played a vital role. The population of the earth is in turmoil as wars, famine, poverty, and climate change each play a vital role in the brutality visible today and getting worse by the minute.

There are countries where people have no food and are starving to death. Southern Sudan is one such place and no one gives much notice to it. Yemen is another area where staying alive is an uphill battle. Of course, Syria, has tipped the scales in terms of what happens when dictators have their way.

Climate change is driving starvation as crops fail and animals die from thirst and hunger adding to the pressure. Even in rich, well organised countries like Australia, things are out of whack. Cyclones, floods, drought, and super-fires are taking their toll on food production and such.

So what role have the beasts played? To begin with we need to identify them. The first is the sun, which in Babylon was called 'Mary' or 'Mari' meaning 'mother god's eye'. It was stylised into a woman and a great percentage of the population pray to 'her' several times a day.

Among her symbols are the circle and cross. It was in Babylon where the first crucifixion of god-men occurred as men voluntarily died on crosses at dawn to 'marry' Mary and hopefully fertilise the earth through her.

The identity of the second beast was shown to me in a vision where the words CONSTANTINE IS 666 stood up in the air before my face. Research then allowed me to discover he was the one who established the Catholic Church in the year 325 of the modern era.

He invented Jesus Christ and put Mary into the church as the Mother of God, which is an impossibility. He built the first Christian churches and the Vatican over the temple of Jupiter (Peter in English). The latter was instrumental in the formation of the Muslim Branch of its original religion - ISLAM.

Through academic research, including tracing marker genes, I discovered that Constantine's heritage is of the Amor, the original inhabitants of Babylon and the ones who established the Persian Empire. They continued their empire building after they built Roma (reverse Amor) and became the Romans. Their religion was always Islam.

Constantine simply gave it a new name and face and later Jerome compiled and wrote the New Testament, published at the end of the 4th CAD. He also established the economic system and order of inheritance and his methods are the base of the Establishment. Those who have been brain-washed by his religions are the ones now bringing about the end of days and they are brutal.

The cohorts of Constantine are religious leaders who practice false teachings and fake news.


Source by Norma Holt

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