Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Work From Home - Why Working From Home Appeals to Me


Working from home has more often than not been looked upon as a good option for retired people and at-home-moms who desire a small personal income without it interfering in any major way with their domestic duties or personal commitments. The power that comes from being with the Internet at home and the possession of basic writing skills enables one to make the most of work-from-home opportunities. For those who may otherwise miss the constant challenge of a full-time job due to retirement, family priorities or even health issues; working from home provides the right balance through the freedom to interweave work with home without compromising on either. What's more - it earns you enough pocket money for that occasional shopping spree!

As someone who is currently going through a 'gap' after completing studies and looking for a full-time job, working from home seems like the perfect solution. While the application and interview process takes up some part of my day, I realize it leaves me enough hours to do a part-time job and maybe earn a small income too. Working from home works for me as it not only gives me something constructive to do with my time, it earns me money sitting in the comfort of my home while allowing me to carry on freely with the process of applying and interviewing for prospective jobs. It gives me the freedom to choose how much work I want to take on and what time of day suits me to complete it. Moreover, it draws on skills I already possess and gives me a platform to utilize, hone and display them. For instance, as someone who enjoys research and writing, penning down my thoughts and ideas on topics that interest me is more than I could ask of a 'real' job. It builds on my knowledge base, coaxes me into organizing my ideas and structuring an article in a way that proves helpful to a regular reader. This hugely appeals to me as my 'job' then involves reading up and researching topics that are, in any case, of great interest to me or are hobbies that I like to indulge in during my free time.

Financially, too, a work-from-home job means a small income which is most certainly better than the zero-income phase one has to pull through while looking for permanent employment. It means I can manage small expenses without having to worry! Over and above that, I can earn more by doing more work and that too, when it suits me. This means more flexibility than a full-time job can facilitate. If you write articles from your house you don't have to worry about any added expenses. And yet, it does not interfere with whatever may be top priority or me at the time. It is then perfect for me by all standards - time management, money and most of all, interest! I hope to enjoy my time researching and writing articles - it's something I love doing!


Source by Michael C Logan

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