Thursday, February 9, 2017

Marriage Compatibility of Taurus With Aquarius


Marriage is the most sacred bond, which one ties in his lifetime. There are many stages in life, where one tends to feel change, and marriage is the phase, in which one faces a series of changes, which adds happiness to his life and gives an entirely new meaning to his existence. After marriage, the priority of people shifts, and they become more concerned about their family and making a better future for their families. It is indeed required, because both the bride and groom are new to each other and even have never gone through this phase, so equal contribution from both the sides is required to make the marriage more successful and everlasting. Time is the most important factor, which is required by the bride and groom to understand each other. If they have good understanding and know each other's footfalls, then it would be easier for them to roll on the wheels of their married life.

Marriages in India have always been the best of the relations shared by a bride and the groom. Indian families have immense faith in the bond of marriage and believe that marriage is a bond, which a bride and groom ties not only for one life, but for seven lives. Therefore, the decision of marriage has to be very sought after and taken with a lot of consideration and keeping all the important factors in mind. Before finalising a marriage, a number of formalities and researches are done, to check, whether the couple will be able to lead a happy life together. Matching the horoscope compatibility of the bride and the groom is also one of the important steps, which the families of the bride and groom take for their children's well being and happiness. The traditions of matching horoscopes before marriage has been followed since ages in India, and is actually considered as the most important step, towards the achievement of a happy and a contented married life.

Moving further towards the matching of horoscope compatibility between different zodiacs now comes the turn of Taurus and Capricorn. Both of them are almost opposite to each other and share very few things in common. It is said opposites attract, but that is only when, where both understands each other and gives space in the relation. Taurus is a person, who loves to be simple and does not like changes in his life. On the other hand, Aquarius is a person, who loves change and breaking regular norms of life, he just cannot keep himself stick to the daily happenings of life. Aquarians believe more in changing attitude of life and loves to adopt progressive approach towards life. Aquarius loves to move with time and brings on new ideas, which sometimes, leads to problems, as the Taurian finds it hard to adjust in the changing situations. Both the bride and groom in case of the Taurus and Aquarius couple, are highly determined and believe in completing the task, once they have thought about it. They are very devoted towards their work and are always looking forward to bring positive changes in their work and thereby in the society.

But sometimes, the Aquarius can be very unpredictable and behaves weirdly, which can lead to problems in their married life. The bride and the groom, need to make life easy for each other, by being simple in their approach and by introducing the life partner with their qualities and weaknesses. Also, the possessive and extra caring nature of the Taurus can also irritate the Aquarius, resulting into hitches in their married life. If both the Taurus and the Aquarius, get to understand and support each other in different situations of life, then it won't be much difficult for them to have a happy and a satisfactory married life.


Source by Gurleen Kaur

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