Thursday, February 9, 2017

Your Bad Credit Can Cost You the Job


Watch your history before requesting work. Having a good credit in the United States has always been essential to succeed in finance. With an appropriate credit score is easier to open doors when you go to buy a house, a car, obtain credit card or any other type of loan you want.

Note: Check your score often

However, although you seem unusual, recent reports claim that at the time of hiring a new employee; at least 70 percent of firms are reviewing the credit history with a candidate who aspires to the post. This means that modern enterprises, in addition to assess the career of an applicant, are concerned about the financial behavior of the individual whether to grant a post job, a promotion or promotion and sometimes up to determine their dismissal.

Some employers fear that if one of its workers facing huge debts, the company lost time in response calls from
creditors, or even are forced to retain, by court order, part of the salary of employees in arrears. It's normal that companies try to avoid situations that may affect the performance of candidates for employment or those already employed. But while they are fully entitled to protect themselves, you too; Therefore, to request a verification of your credit history, first an employer must have your consent.

Likewise bankruptcy should not be used as a weapon of discrimination against the employee. Under Title 11 of the Bankruptcy Code in the United States, is totally forbidden that employers discriminate against a person because he has declared bankruptcy. If that happened to you yourself, check with a lawyer if you can take legal action against the company has discriminated against you. If you find that your credit score is not ideal, concentrate on improving it in the shortest possible time. To do not need to hire anyone, is something yourself, with a little research, you can make. Improve your credit history will help you get the job of your dreams and take better care your pocket.

Note: To request a verification of your credit history, first an employer must have your consent.

Source by Jesus A Sanchez

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