Saturday, February 11, 2017

Valentine's Day Party Ideas

The more, the merrier! So this February 14, have a Valentine's Day party with all you hold close and multiply the celebrations! A Valentine's Day party is not like any other regular parties; it's a party where love rules as a theme. So put all your innovative and romantic ideas to good use this Valentine's Day and have a dream of a party! And if you need any help with the Valentine's Day party ideas, read on. Given below are some wacky party ideas for the big day - Valentine's Day:


The invitations need to be sent out at least one week in advance. This will give you a fair idea of ​​the number of people coming to the Valentine's Day party and thus will help you in making the appropriate party arrangements. And it's always a good idea to make your invitations attractive. Heart-shaped invitation cards are always a winning idea, or you may also send out invites in shapes of cupids, lock-n-key or roses.

Have a Theme Party

For your Valentine's Day party, decide on a theme and have the decorations, gifts, games, and costumes based on it. For instance, if you have a jungle theme party, the guests can come as Tarzan and Jane or dress up in animal suits. Or they can don fur coats, fake horns etc. You can decorate your house with some outdoor plants or can have an outdoor party itself at your backyard. You can go for any theme you fancy - may be an Adam-n-Eve theme, or say a classical theme! Just let loose all your funky ideas for this day.


Games are an essential ingredient of any party, and for your Valentine's Day party, have lots of games to add to the celebrations. Chin Balance, Things I Love, Candy Treasure, and Candy Quest are a few all-time favorite Valentine's Day games. Have these at your Valentine's Day party and let the fun flow!

Music and Dance

Music and dancing are synonymous with Valentine's Day parties. So take time to decide what kind of music you want at the party. If the guests are more willing to have some intimate moments with their partners, then keep some slow, soulful ballads playing for some close dancing. If the mood is more vibrant and young, it's better to go for fast dance numbers. But make sure that the most of what you play are love songs, because it's Valentine's Day after all.

The Little Darlings

How can one leave the kids out on this big day of love? So arrange for a Valentine's Day party for the little kiddos too. Organize the party for one or two hours and start it off early at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon so that the little beings do not tax it to much towards bed-time. Include games and some cute kiddy-dancing. It's of course a good idea to arrange for pizzas, burgers and sandwiches as the kids would be overstuffed with candies and other sweets on Valentine's Day. Make small heart-shaped name tags to welcome all the little guests. Also have party favors reserved for them.

Party Food

It is advisable to serve finger food at a Valentine's Day party. It will be easier for you to arrange and the guests will love it too. Along with that, you can go for lots of cakes, cookies and Valentine's Day special candies. Savor the flavor of love and joy as you hug and wish each other a very 'Happy Valentine's Day'.

Singles Fun

If you are single and feeling a little low about it on Valentine's Day, then this next party idea will surely cheer you up. You do not need to sit and sulk on Valentine's Day. If you are a woman, then why not celebrate with all your girl friends together? How about having a slumber party with a good men-bashing session? Guys could have a kind of bachelor party with poker, booze and a lot of men-talk. These sure are cool Valentine's Day party ideas for the single-and-seeking!

So with Valentine's Day just around the corner, start planning for your big party. Try these party ideas while celebrating with your sweetheart and friends. Decorate the house and get all the gifts in advance. It is the season of love and celebrations and so make the most of it by partying and dancing and singing and most importantly, spending some precious time with the one / ones you love.

Source by Sean Carter

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