Saturday, February 11, 2017

Why Prepaid Phone Cards Can Cut Your Phone Bill In Half


Using a prepaid phone card offers many advantages over more traditional calling means with consumers "jumping on board the bandwagon" and making the switch.

Going online has opened up even more avenues for shoppers to save. STi phonecards have been one of the online trendsetters, not just offering a prepaid phone card service but also excellent advice in purchasing cards online. If you are still "a little wet behind the ears" when it comes to using prepaid cards then the following tips will give you plenty of reason to switch from more expensive traditional methods.

Advantages Of Prepaid Phone Cards

- You can save a lot of money using phone cards. Phone bills can be cut by up to 50%. Companies such as STi Phone Card suggest the saving can be up to 80%.

- Prepaid phone cards are excellent as a means of saving on long distance and overseas calls. Whether for travellers who find them convenient, especially from hotels or simply calling from home, then costs can be cut significantly.

- People migrating to other countries can now stay in touch with family and friends much more cheaply today than 20 years ago.

- Prepaid phone cards eliminate the need to use money, particularly handy when you do not have any change and need to make a call urgently.

Are there any disadvantages? Sure, but these are few and far between. With some cards there may be hidden costs associated with phoning from public places such as hotels. Generally, you have a time limit on how long you can use your phone card. In most instances, cards will expire after three months. Balance transfer of minutes left is also usually disallowed.

Finding A Reputable Company

The phone card industry was rife with unscrpulous operators several years ago however, tighter security restrictions have helped clean it up significantly. It's strongly advised to stick with the major players when you go online. Bigger operators such as STi Phone Cards have strong security controls and stricy privacy policies.

Check a sites recommendations. Scan the web page and look for security seals and recommendations such as from the Better Business Bureau. The more you find the better the signs are the company is on the level.

It's a big plus if a company has a live customer support base. It's even better if you can get to them right away and 24 hours a day. Avoid dealing with email only companies and if you do, send them an email and and look for a response within 24 hours.

Hidden Costs

Watch out for hidden costs. This is the biggest issue with prepaid phone cards and one where many people have difficulty with. Always ask and always get it in writing. I know reading terms and conditions is mundane and boring but they are there for a reason and usually, any extra costs with a card were clearly listed in the terms and conditions.

Prepaid phone cards will save you money in the long run but perform a little due diligence initially and you'll have a happy experience using them.


Source by Dean Caporella

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