Friday, March 31, 2017

How To Fade A Tattoo - How To Fade Black Tattoo Ink


Tattoos are wonderful things, they can express how you felt at one point, they can tell stories of your life and they look awesome, however some of us experience tattoo regret and after a while people start to look for methods on how to fade a tattoo whether for cover up or removal. Normally this would have been difficult to do "back in the day" due to the lack of technology but with the advancement of technology and science there are now multiple methods of fading and even removing any unwanted bits that you may have scattered along your body.

So how can you go about with this? There are plenty methods and some won't be able to afford one method and there are also those that don't work with some people. The following 3 methods are going to range from simple and cheap to more expensive methods that you can use for the same result.

· Removal Creams

A simple method is just rubbing the cream into the area everyday for results however these do take a while to see visible effects.

The time frame varies for different people on different factors such as the size of the tattoo, how long they've had it and also the colours used.

With black ink this won't take too long to get rid of as most black ink is easy to get out however true blacks and colours do take more time so make sure you have some idea of how much you'll need.

The average time you are looking at is about a month for smaller pieces and then obviously the bigger the next piece the longer it will end up taking for fading.

· Chemical Peels

Something that people are unsure about is the use about chemical peels but they have been claimed to be great at chipping away at any unwanted ink that you don't want.

This method is safe as long as you are patient and follow the instructions and don't rush it and apply too many layers as this won't speed it up but in fact cause major side-effects which you don't want.

Once again there are plenty of different factors that play into how long that this will take to work just the same as the removal creams so give them time to kick in.

The same as removal cream the black ink won't take too long to get rid of as most black ink is easy to get out however true blacks and colours do take more time so make sure you have some idea of how much you'll need.

· Dermabrasion

This is the method for those who have money to waste, really big pieces, a high pain tolerance and have found that nothing else has worked for them.

This is the painful method of surgically scraping away skin layers to reach the tattoo. It sounds brutal and it really is however it is effective even though you can be looking to spend £1000 to several thousands depending on the size of the piece!!!

As for methods this is definitely one of the most brutal when looking at how to fade a tattoo even though a couple of weeks is all that is needed for this method as you will need to go in multiple sessions to fully have the piece faded or removed.


Source by Junior Pswarai

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