Friday, March 31, 2017

Make Money Without Money - Repairing Lawn Mowers, Take a Cut For Yourself


Most families these days are looking for any way they can to make a little extra money without having to put out any money, if you are handy with small engines why not start a lawn mower repair business?

Lawn mowers need plenty of maintenance, especially when they sit all winter long. Most of that maintenance is fairly simple such as tune ups, draining gas and replacing it with fresh, or sharpening the blade. Often times though people do not think to get these things done and before long, simple maintenance becomes more costly and complex.

This leaves the door open if you know how to work on small engines such as these, not only lawn mowers, but gas powered weed eaters, snow blowers and any other sort of small gas engine. Many people do not know how to properly maintain this type of equipment and just advertising maintenance alone could bring you a good source of income.

If you have the tools offer blade sharpening services, and even engine repair, while most mower repairs are simple, there will be the odd motor that will need to be replaced. As you make a bit of money invest it into purchasing used mowers and other equipment that you can bring back to life and sell for a profit. There is a thriving market for used lawn equipment pretty much anywhere you live.

Deciding what to charge your customers is easy, make calls to the repair shops around your neighborhood and ask them what they charge. Since you will be new to the business, be prepared to seriously undercut their prices, this will help you get and keep customers, and since you will be working out of your home, your overhead will be low anyway.

You will need to have a garage with a decent work bench and space to work, or even better yet if you have a van or truck you can advertise mobile repair. Mobile repair brings an even higher hourly fee since your customers are relieved of the responsibility of transporting their dirty lawn mower in the back of their brand new SUV.

The best way to advertise your business will be by enlisting your family to pass out fliers around the neighborhood, leave signs on telephones and advertise at your local grocery store.

Since this is a seasonal business keeping customers is essential, try to offer them extras if you can, like a free oil change or a loaner lawn mower while theirs is being worked on. Little extras like these along with a friendly attitude will keep them coming back year after year.


Source by Mathieu Delaborde

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