Friday, March 31, 2017

How To Fill Out and Prepare Quit Claim Deed Form In Indiana


States have different regulations when it comes to quit claim deeds, and an Indiana quit claim deed form is no different. Here's how to fill out a Quit Claim Deed in Indiana - or mistaken by others as 'quick claim deed Indiana.'

1. To ensure that you have a form that is 100% in compliance, you can consult with a local attorney or get one directly from the County Recorder. But if you prefer to download a form online, make sure that you get one from a trusted source. Remember, Indiana has different requirements when it comes to the margin, content, and even some of the phrases that need to be in the deed.

2. Once you have the form, start by writing the full names and addresses of the grantors and grantees. The "grantor" is the person who owns the property while the "grantee" is the person receiving the property. Check that the names are consistent throughout the documents. Double-check the spelling as even the slightest discrepancy can be subject to rejection of the deed.

3. Next, give a complete description of the property to be transferred. Include the address and other relevant information such as the area and nature of the property. If you are unsure of what to say, it's best to consult an attorney.

4. Let everyone sign on top of their printed name. At the bottom of the deed, there are two lines or spaces where the grantee's address should be entered. You should see a 'Return deed to' and 'Send tax bills to' fields.

5. As required by Indiana's regulations, the form should be notarized and recorded in the county where the property is located. It must also be endorsed by the county auditor. Other requirements include the following:

- The quit claim deed must be on white paper.

- The paper must not be larger than these dimensions - 8.5 x 14 inches.

- The content must be typed or computerized.

- The pages must have at least a half-inch margin on all sides.

6. When the deed is accepted for recording, it receives a stamp that bears the date and time of filing and it is filed under public records.

7. There are more than 90 counties in the state of Indiana, from Adams to Whitley. Each of these counties may require certain requirements and tax forms before the Indiana quit claim deed can be accepted for recording. So when in doubt, proceed directly to your County Recorder.


Source by Diego G

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