Friday, March 31, 2017

The Big Q: Are You Ready For a Promotion?


It is natural to take a step back and review your job performance for the last couple of years you've been working for your company. After all, you have been in the same position for a while and as an employee, you have every right to move up, get a salary increase and take on more responsibility. But, can you handle the pressure that will go together with your new role? Are you really ready for a promotion?

Staying in the same position for years will make you question your self-worth and can lead you to get bored with your routine job. If you want to climb up the corporate ladder, then you need to stand out and make yourself a valuable asset to your organization. It is time to show your boss that you are capable of doing more and that you can be trusted with larger responsibilities. Yes, the thought of getting promoted can be really exciting but taking the steps towards getting that promotion is still a daunting task.

It could sound like a lot of work, but do not worry because there are some basic and easy to follow steps that will let your boss know it is the right time for you to advance in your career. Here are the following:

1. Whether it is an ordinary work day or you are holding a very important meeting, make sure to dress for success. Get notified by your appearance but do not try to overdress. Show your level of professionalism by matching the standard dress code in your company.

2. Always come to work on time because this says a lot about your commitment towards your job. Getting ready before your job primarily starts sending a message that you value it more than anything else. You may not notice it but your employers know who comes in early.

3. Be proactive; Do not hesitate to suggest and ask questions if there are things that are not clear to you. This suggests that you are eager to be well-rounded and to grow more as an employee.

4. Do not hesitate to lend a helping hand because this will make you stand out and get noticed by everyone. But, learn not to compromise your own tasks for the sake of helping others. Do things at the right time. Be courteous and respectful to the people you work with all the time.

5. Promote yourself if possible; Say it out loud or talk to your boss about your plan to advance in your career.

You need to believe in your abilities if you want to succeed in your career so a thorough care assessment is needed if you want to achieve something in your professional life. These steps will guide you towards all your


Source by Cecile Peterkin

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