Tuesday, March 7, 2017

10 Tips For Creating a Twitter Following


The Twitter movement seems to be going full speed ahead and is showing no signs of slowing down.

I want to share 10 tips with you to help you to great a great Twitter following and make the connections for successful personal and business relationships.

1. Find Out who the Social Leaders are. Find out who all the Elite Social Leaders are in Twitter world by going to twittercounter.com or twitterati.alltop.com. Follow these people and see what they tweet about. Some will have auto-follow and you will begin to automatically build a list of followers.

2. Send @ messages to the Social Elites. Do not expect them to return the tweet, but appearances say a lot. :)

3. Create an Eye-Catching Avatar. You do not have to be the best looking person in the whole world, but a nice clean headshot will help you create a great image of yourself. Be careful of the type of avatar you create. You want one that if you want to create a business connection, someone will not think you are a kid that should not be playing on their parent's computer.

4. Do not be stingy with your follows. You should follow everyone who follows you.

5. Always link to stories or pictures that you may find interesting.

6. Position yourself as an expert on a particular subject matter. When you establish yourself as an expert, people will take notice of you and you will gain more followers.

7. Use pictures and videos in your tweets. A lot of people are very visual. The quote "A picture is worth a thousand words" is true in every sense. Sending very interesting or unusual pictures or videos will get you followers every time.

8. Use great tweet tools. Here are are some tools that will make picking up followers easier: tweetie, Adjix and prosperous

9. Do repeat tweets. If you have a very interesting or very important tweet that you want to grab a lot of attention you will want to send out three tweets at eight to twelve hours apart.

10. Just ask. This method always works. The worst that could happen is they say no.


Source by Dee Foster

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