Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Believe It or Not


"The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen."

-Frank Lloyd Wright

Whatever you believe ..... you're right. Everything that happens in your life is happening for a reason-- because of what you believe. Our beliefs have been ingrained in us from childhood. We are a product of what people have taught us along the way, beliefs about sex, love, friendship, religion, money and on and on.

Let's take two different people, Joe and Mary. Joe was brought up to believe that people who were different from him were not to be trusted. If they had a different skin color, income, or nationality, he was taught to be very suspicious and un-accepting. On the other hand, Mary was brought up to accept people's differences, compare and contrast unique cultures and form her opinions based on what she observed.

When Joe and Mary were out one day, they ran into a group of people who are traveling here from foreign countries, they where from Italy, Russia, Mexico and Egypt. Needless to say, the hair on the back of Joe's neck stood up, whereas Mary was excited to talk to and learn about the different people. How Joe and Mary experienced this encounter, although diametrically opposed, was a product of their upbringing.

You can use similar examples to observe the beliefs of others and see how those beliefs affect their lives. Now, who was right, Joe or Mary? I personally lean more towards Mary's outlook, but you can see why we all experience our circumstances based on what we were taught to believe. That is why it is so important to become introspective and analyze whether your beliefs serve you in becoming a better person or hinder you from reaching your potential.

As you look inside and evaluate what you believe, (not what you were convinced to believe), you can then form better options when you are dealing with circumstances that are a struggle or painful for you. The good news is; you can change your beliefs at any minute. You can choose to think new and improved thoughts that will help you begin to enjoy the life you want and to become the person you were destined to be.

Choose to believe in the best. Be your best, all day, every day. Our thoughts form our beliefs, so begin to be aware of what you tell yourself about any given situation and you will then be able to either keep the beliefs that benefit you in a positive way or choose to change your beliefs so that they are aligned with the way you want to live. Remember, you can have, be and do anything - if you believe it!


Source by Susan Russo

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