Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Healthy Weight Loss Plans - Why Dieting Is Not The Answer


There have never been a higher percentage of obese people in the world than there are today. Many people believe that dieting are good healthy weight loss plans for their goals. Actually, a diet is the worst thing you can do for your body.

You see, when you go on a diet, what are you doing? You are giving up all the foods that you've loved your whole life, and replacing them immediately with either low calorie or low-carb foods.

The thing about most diets is that, while they may be effective for a while at giving you the weigh loss you desire, they also deprive your body of the essential vitamins and nutrients that it needs to operate effectively.

There are many reasons for this, but the bottom line is, adhering to a long term diet will have disastrous effects on your health. Yes, it may work short term in giving you the weight you desire, but it is not the long term answer. Diets are not healthy weight loss plans-they are potentially devastating to your body.

Another thing: most people never lose the weight they want to in the first place, because of the large amount of foods they are forced to give up. Often times, they are forced to give up foods they've loved their whole life basically overnight.

Many times, people can handle this for a while. However, after several weeks or months of this, what happens? They begin to crave these foods. The more they think about them, the worse the craving becomes. Finally, they give in and go get that ice cream sundae, telling themselves it's only once time.

One time becomes, two, then three, and pretty soon their diet is right back where they started. Also, often times restricting your diet can actually cause you to go on an eating binge and gain more weight than when they started the program.

Diets are not the long term answer, because they do not work in providing you with long term health. Even if you are one of the few to try and succeed with a particular diet, you will not experience long-term health because of the essential nutrients you are depriving your body.

A better alternative is to simply eat raw foods. While known as the raw food diet, eating raw foods is actually a natural way of eating where you are receiving digestive enzymes naturally through the foods you consume.

These foods do not have high amounts of fat and are very easy for the body to digest because it does not have to manufacture its' own enzymes to aid in the digestion process. As a result, you will lose weight and feel more energetic and alert at the same time.

The most important part with these healthy weight loss plans is to take it slow. Do not jump into eating all raw foods overnight. Start slowly, gradually increase your raw food consumption, and you will soon have the body of your dreams more quickly than you ever believed possible.


Source by Josh Neumann

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